Rodney, North Auckland Group 3 – Rural signage and road marking changes Rodney, North Auckland Group 3 – Rural signage and road marking changes

Reference number: MIP1718-171

We're making changes in your area

We are planning to introduce a number of signage and road marking interventions along several clusters of rural roads in Rodney, North Auckland. Treatments will include, but are not limited to:

  • Changes to speed signs and advanced curve/turn advisory signs.  
  • Adjustments to edge lines and centre lines.
  • Addition of edge marker posts and reflective pavement markers.

For additional details regarding the roads that most impact you, please refer to detailed drawings below, listed by road cluster. 

Download the overview map

Download the signage guide

Why the changes are needed

These changes aim to standardise road markings and signage along a number of roads in Rodney, North Auckland. This is one component of Auckland Transport's efforts to achieve clear and consistent messaging across the region's rural road network and to improve road safety.

Next Steps

This work will happen in prior to June 2019, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays. Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.