Alfriston Road and Claude Road, Manurewa - intersection signalisation Alfriston Road and Claude Road, Manurewa - intersection signalisation
Proposal status: Updated 3 August 2022.
Reference number: CSFA1.1
Proposal update
The construction is planned to begin between mid-August 2022.
Contractors will issue 48-hour notices to all affected residents prior to construction work.
Proposal outcome
COVID-19 has had a significant impact on AT and the wider Auckland Council whānau. As a result, Auckland Council has implemented an Emergency Budget which has reduced AT’s capital and operating budgets. This could mean this project is delayed. We will be in touch with you when we know more about how this project will be impacted by the current budget constraints. We thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.
Once the budget is confirmed, the proposal will proceed with a minor change to the next stage of detailed planning before being constructed. The right turn lane on Alfriston Road has been slightly extended to allow for more vehicles.
Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.
Community feedback
- Request for broken yellow lines on Claude Road up to #42.
Vehicles parked on the eastern side of Claude Road should not impede queueing vehicles as drivers should be able to get around them by using the flush median painted in the middle of the road. The short right turning lane allows the option of queueing on the median during high demand times. At this time, we do not expect queuing on the flush median for the right hand turn to extend back far enough to prevent queueing vehicles from using the flush median to pass parked cars. We will monitor this and make any changes that are needed, including the possibility of parking restrictions on Claude Road. - Request for traffic lights at the intersection of Hill Road onto the motorway.
The intersection of Claude Road and Hill Road is currently on Auckland Transport's high-risk intersections programme. The intention will be to upgrade this intersection in the future to make it safer. However, we are currently unable to give timeframes regarding investigation, design or delivery. - Concern about removal of 2 parking spaces on Alfriston Road.
The removal of these 2 parking spaces are required to accommodate the widening of the footpath and to fit it in the new crossing on this side of Alfriston Road. If a parking space was to be kept it would be very small and be challenging for a standard sized vehicle to come in and out of. This would result in delays at the intersection and a potential safety risk with vehicles coming in and out of a small space so close to the traffic lights and crossing. - Query if any trees will need to be removed from outside the shops.
This project will not be removing or altering the existing tree outside the shops.
In July 2020, we proposed changes in your area
To improve vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian safety, Manurewa Local Board and Auckland Transport proposed to signalise the intersection of Alfriston Road and Claude Road in Manurewa. A number of accidents have occurred at this intersection over the past few years and the proposed changes aim to increase safety and prevent further accidents. As part of this project we will add streetlights, footpaths, revised kerblines and a new lane configuration.
Changes proposed on Claude Road
We are proposing to:
- Install traffic lights at the intersection to help prevent crashes between turning vehicles and oncoming traffic. This includes Advanced Stop Boxes (ASBs) which are green boxes painted with a bicycle symbol where people on bicycles can wait before the lights. ASBs improve road safety by making cyclists more visible to people in vehicles.
- Paint new and modify existing road markings to support the signalisation of the intersection. This will include creating separate left and right turning lanes to enable signal-controlled turns onto Alfriston Road and help with the traffic flow efficiency of the intersection. The pedestrian island currently at the bottom of Claude Road will need to be removed to accommodate the left turn lane.
- Create a new crossing with traffic lights as a safe place to cross the road. The crossing will include tactile pavers, which are yellow guidance paving markers to help visually impaired people to find their way to the crossing and safely cross the road.
- Modify the kerbline and expand the footpath to improve pedestrian access to the crossings.
Changes proposed on Alfriston Road
We are proposing to:
- Install traffic lights with Advanced Stop Boxes (ASBs).
- Create 2 new crossings with new streetlighting and tactile pavers. This will require changes to the kerb line, reconstructing the footpath and a new berm (grass strip next to the road) will be planted. This aims improve pedestrian access onto the crossing.
- Paint new road markings to support the signalisation of the intersection. This will include creating a turning lane and through lane to enable signal-controlled turns onto Claude Road.
- Add broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) to formalise no parking on the approach to the traffic lights and ensure cars do not block the flow of traffic. This will involve removing 2 parking spaces.
- Paint new cycle lane markings to safely support cyclists travelling through this intersection.
Download the proposal drawing for Alfriston Road (PDF 1.2MB)
Our proposal responded to requests from the local board to improve pedestrian safety in the area and is supported by the Community Safety Fund programme and Regional Fuel Tax.
Community Safety Fund
This proposal is part of the Community Safety Fund. Auckland Transport is partnered with the Manurewa Local Board to deliver this project, as part of more than 80 safety improvement projects across the Auckland region. The Community Safety Fund is a $20 million programme focused on addressing local road safety concerns raised by the community to local boards and ward councillors.
Manurewa - Safe with us
Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Alfriston Road are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).
Next steps
We will be in touch with you when we know more about how this project will be impacted by the current budget constraints. Once funding is secured, our contractors will send notices to residents or businesses affected by works 48 hours before the work starts.