Hamilton Drive, Waiuku - Traffic calming Hamilton Drive, Waiuku - Traffic calming

Proposal status: closed 21 August 2018, updated 5 August 2019.

Reference number: MIP1819-015

Project update 5 August 2019

Because we are committed to making quality safety improvements our detailed design process has taken longer than anticipated. The construction of these traffic calming measures is now scheduled to start in November 2019. We will let you know if there are any further changes to our plans.

More information about this project can be found below.

We've proposed changes in your area

In August 2018 we asked for community feedback on our proposal to make traffic calming improvements to Hamilton Drive in Waiuku. These changes include two new speed humps as well as improvements to street lighting, signs and road markings.

Download the proposal drawing for Hamilton Drive (PDF 1.2MB)

Why the changes are needed

These changes are expected to improve road safety by calming high traffic speeds through the bend, where there has been several crashes due to high speeds and loss of driver control.

Proposal outcome

This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning. A summary of the community feedback we received and answers to questions and concerns is below.

Feedback received

  • Concern that the speed humps will increase noise for surrounding residents. Hamilton Drive has low traffic volume as it is a residential road that predominantly serves the local residents. Noise issues at speed humps are usually caused by heavy vehicles going over the humps; as minimal heavy vehicles use Hamilton Drive it is not expected that the speed humps will contribute additional noise.
  • Suggestion to locate the speed humps closer together as cars usually accelerate quickly after braking for the humps. The proposed locations of the speed humps were chosen based on the geometry of the road and the need to provide adequate advance visibility of the humps for vehicles travelling around the bend.
  • Suggestion to move the speed bump proposed outside 1 Hamilton Drive further down the road outside 27 Hamilton Drive to improve safety around the playing fields. The speed humps are intended to improve the safety of both road users and households at the bend at which Hamilton Drive is located. The proposed locations of the speed humps were chosen based on the geometry of the road and the need to provide adequate advance visibility of the humps for vehicles travelling around the bend.

Next steps

This work is planned for November 2019, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays. Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.