Te Atatu Road, Te Atatu - Signalised pedestrian crossing Te Atatu Road, Te Atatu - Signalised pedestrian crossing
Proposal status: Feedback closed 25 July 2019, last updated 3 October 2019.
Reference number: RSU1819-072b
We've proposed changes in your area
We proposed a new signalised pedestrian crossing outside 484 Te Atatu Road and a new pedestrian refuge island outside of 498 Te Atatu Road in Te Atatu.
We originally consulted on this project in October 2018 and have subsequently made changes to the design in response to your community feedback, specifically the location of the signalised crossing.
Download the proposal drawings for Te Atatu Road:
- Te Atatu Road proposal drawing 1 (PDF 222KB);
- Te Atatu Road proposal drawing 1 (PDF 322KB);
- Te Atatu Road proposal overview drawing (PDF 2.6MB).
Why the changes are needed
These changes are needed to provide a clear crossing facility where the demand is highest. The proposal also aims to establish a safer road environment for people travelling on foot and on bikes, as well as to raise driver awareness approaching the crossing.
Proposal outcome
We have made minor changes to the design including the removal of an additional traffic island from the proposal. Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.
Download the Te Atatu Road updated proposal drawing (PDF 2.2MB)
Community feedback
Concerns regarding the roundabout at the intersection of Te Atatu Road and Gloria Avenue
- Respondents suggested that multiple recent accidents have been a result of the roundabout and that it should be removed and potentially, replaced with traffic lights outside of the church.
This intersection has been reviewed as part of our investigation for the larger Te Atatu Road area. Although changes at this location are possible in the future, we are unable to comment on time frames as our recommendations will need to go through a prioritisation assessment against others identified Auckland-wide before they can progress further.
- Respondents suggested that the speed is excessive on this stretch of road and that the speed limit should be reduced.
At this stage, we are not proposing to reduce speed limits along Te Atatu Road. As mentioned previously, we expect to introduce treatments as part of the new design aimed at improving driver awareness and at calming high traffic speeds. Please note that when the signalised mid-block crossing is installed, CCTV cameras will also be included so that we can better monitor driver behaviour at this location. - Respondents requested that the speed feedback signs are removed as they believe them to be ineffective.
We believe that speed feedback signs are effective in capturing speeds of approaching vehicles and providing warning if they are travelling above the speed limit.
Crossing location
- Respondents opposed the proposed location and suggested alternate locations for the signalised pedestrian crossing, including outside of the church, on the intersection itself, and the previously proposed location outside of 478 Te Atatu Road.
The proposed location was chosen in response to public feedback from our first proposal in 2018 and the results of subsequent further investigation. We expect that this will better accommodate pedestrian demand and enable people to make best use of the crossing.
Bus stops
- Respondents opposed the relocation of the bus stop and asked that its position is maintained. Respondents also queried where the bus stop would be relocated to and asked that it is placed next to the driveway of 477-483.
It is necessary to relocate the Southbound bus stop, in order for the new mid-block crossing to function effectively. The current position of the bus stop is too close to the proposed crossing and would lead to conflict between cars stopping and buses attempting to access the bus stop.
Pedestrian refuge
- Respondents requested that the refuge is maintained, as it is well used. Alternatively, respondents also requested that the pedestrian refuge is removed instead of it being converted into an island.
We are converting the pedestrian refuge into a solid traffic island in order to encourage pedestrians to use the new mid-block signalised crossing, which is safer than the existing refuge island. We are converting the refuge island, rather than removing it, as it prevents vehicles from driving at speed down the flush median.
- Respondents requested that urgent footpath repair is carried out, on the opposite side of the road.
At this stage we are unable to include the footpath on the other side of the road in this project due to funding limitations. - Respondents would like confirmation that the footpath between number 477 Te Atatu Road and the new crossing will officially be a shared path.
We can confirm that this will be a shared path, for use by people walking and on bikes as well as other active modes.
Tree maintenance
- Respondents request urgent tree maintenance is carried out on overgrown trees.
We have passed this on to our maintenance team for investigation. They will carry out the requested works if necessary.
Next steps
These works are planned before the end of June 2020 but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays. Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.