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Auckland Transport Operation Centre Auckland Transport Operation Centre

Auckland Transport Operation Centre (ATOC) is a joint venture between Auckland Transport and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency which works behind the scenes to help keep people and freight moving.

Real-time transport network management 

The focus of ATOC is to help ensure anyone who uses the transport network has a safe and efficient journey. The centre operates 24/7 to help manage the transport network in real-time. Whenever you’re travelling around Auckland or using the state highways from Taupō north, whatever your mode of transport, ATOC plays a part in your journey. 

Collaboration is key to ensuring a seamless response to customers from pedestrians to truckies. So, ATOC works with many others, including key partners co-located in our North Shore site. In total more than 100 people are based at ATOC, all playing a role in supporting easy journeys.

Key functions of ATOC

  • Real-time monitoring of the transport network, using CCTV cameras and other sources to identify risks and issues on the roads and in public transport facilities such as bus stations.
  • Incident management, such as coordinating the response to crashes, breakdowns, storms and other unplanned events which impact the transport network including emergencies like the SkyCity Convention Centre fire and the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Optimising traffic signals in real-time to help improve safety and efficiency.
  • Providing travel information to help ensure customers are informed before and during their journeys.
  • Helping manage the impact of planned activity such as roadworks and public events, by working with relevant parties to minimise disruption. 
  • Reviewing signalised intersection designs and developing or enhancing traffic signals’ software to improve safety and efficiency.

Operations and key figures 

ATOC's area of operation encompasses approximately 3000km of state highways in the upper North Island, around 7500km of arterial/ local roads and dozens of public transport facilities


  • uses 3000+ CCTV cameras to monitor the transport network
  • makes an average of 16,200 traffic signals adjustments each month 
  • responds to more than 40,000 unplanned events each year
  • processes 1600 event-related traffic management plan applications annually
  • typically delivers traffic management and/or special event transport services for 50 major events each year.

Need more information?

Contact Auckland Transport