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Transport plans & strategies Transport plans & strategies

Auckland Transport (AT) is responsible for the planning, design, delivery and operations of Auckland’s multi-modal transport system. We have a range of plans and strategies which guide the way the transport system is developed.

How our plans and strategies fit together

AT’s plans and strategies interface with those created by Auckland Council, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and the Ministry of Transport.

The relationships between the plans and strategies

AT Auckland Plan 2050

There is a network planning stream and an investment planning stream. Both are fed from the Auckland Plan.

  • Future Connect identifies the future network.
  • ATAP brings all agencies together to determine funding priorities.
  • The RLTP is the investment plan which articulates the resulting preferred future scenario
  • The RLTP interfaces with Auckland Council’s Long Term Plan (their investment plan) and the Government’s National Land Transport Programme (their investment plan).
  • The Government Policy Statement on Land Transport outlines the Government’s priorities for transport investment. This guides their input into the National Land Transport programme and the ATAP process.
  • The RLTP is also fed specifically by the Asset Management Plan, articulating the needs for renewal and maintenance of AT’s many assets.
  • Future Connect is fed by a range of locational, modal and topic-specific plans and strategies. Future Connect feeds the Roads and Streets Framework, and both feed the Network Operating Plan.
  • Projects funded through the RLTP are then guided by the NOP and earlier plans and strategies as they go through the business case, design and delivery process.

The time, mode and locational scope of AT’s plans and strategies

Auckland Transport's plans and strategies

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Regional Land Transport Plan

The RLTP is a plan of how transport delivery agencies intend to respond to growth and other challenges facing Auckland over the next 10 years.

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Future Connect - Auckland Transport's Network Plan

Future Connect is Auckland Transport's 10-year network plan for Auckland’s integrated transport system.

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Roads and Streets Framework

Auckland Transport's assessment tool to determine the movement, place and modal priorities of each road in Auckland.

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Regional Public Transport Plan 2023-2031 (RPTP)

The Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP) outlines AT’s plans for Auckland’s public transport system over the next 8 years.

Train In Motion

Auckland Rapid Transit Pathway (ARTP)

The Auckland Rapid Transit Pathway (ARTP) is Auckland Transport’s blueprint for the development of rapid transit in Tāmaki Makaurau over the next 30 years.

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Auckland Parking Strategy

The AT parking strategy sets out our approach to managing parking in Auckland.

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Auckland Freight Plan

The Auckland freight plan identifies the critical challenges for freight movement, desired outcomes, and an action plan to achieve those outcomes.

Equity Framework

Equity framework

Auckland Transport has developed an equity framework to identify and address equity issues across Auckland’s transport system.

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Asset Management Plan

The Asset Management Plan sets out how AT manages and maintains transport assets that are essential to connect people and move goods across Auckland.

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Auckland Network Operating Plan

The Auckland Network Operating Plan informs how we manage the transport system on a day-to-day basis.

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Vision Zero

Auckland Transport's safety strategy to eliminate deaths and serious injuries from the transport system.

Shared Mobility Roadmap Strategy

On-demand and Shared Mobility Roadmap

AT plans to shape Auckland’s future transport network by expanding access to on-demand and shared travel options.

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Waiheke 10 Year Transport Plan

The Waiheke 10 Year Transport Plan is a collaborative multi-modal plan developed by AT and the Waiheke Local Board.


City Centre Bus Plan

The City Centre Bus Plan sets out AT’s approach to future planning for buses in Auckland’s city centre. 

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Accessibility Action Plan

The accessibility action plan provides details on what actions Auckland Transport will undertake over the next 3 years to improve accessibility.

Auckland Council, Waka Kotahi and MoT plans and strategies

Plan or strategy Description Developed by
Auckland Plan - available on the Auckland Council website. The central guiding vision and objectives for the future form and shape of Auckland Auckland Council
Auckland Transport Alignment Project - available on the Ministry of Transport website. Agreement on core challenges and responses to transport needs in Auckland Auckland Council, Auckland Transport, Waka Kotahi and MoT
Government Policy Statement on Land Transport (GPS) - available on the Ministry of Transport website. The government's core objectives for transport across New Zealand, which shape investment decisions MoT
Auckland Long Term Plan - available on the Auckland Council website. The combined council 10 year investment plan Auckland Council
National Land Transport Programme - available on the Waka Kotahi website. The combined 10 year national transport investment plan Waka Kotahi