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Regional Fuel Tax Regional Fuel Tax

A regional fuel tax for Auckland set at 10 cents per litre (plus GST) was introduced on 1 July 2018 and ended on 30 June 2024.

About the regional fuel tax

A regional fuel tax (RFT) was implemented in Auckland on 1 July 2018 to fund transport projects that would otherwise be delayed or not funded. It ended on 30 June 2024, after the Coalition Government passed legislation in March 2024.

Read more about the RFT in Auckland, established by the Land Transport Management (Regional Fuel Tax Scheme – Auckland) Order 2018, updated by the Amendment Order 2023 and subsequent Repeal legislation 2024.

How it worked

A regional fuel tax of 10 cents per litre (plus GST) applied to sales of petrol and diesel within the boundaries of Auckland Council (excluding Great Barrier Island).


RFT was to be applied only where fuel was used on the road. Where fuel was used for specific non-road purposes, a rebate could be claimed by the end user of the fuel until 31 October 2024.

Rebates for the regional fuel tax were administered by the NZ Transport Agency. To find out more about eligibility and how to claim a rebate before 31 October 2024, visit the NZ Transport Agency’s website.

The regional fuel tax was able to support:

  • more public transport options
  • improved road safety
  • extended walking and cycling networks across Auckland
  • improvement of some major arterial roads
  • key growth areas with transport infrastructure.

Projects funded by the RFT

In May 2018, Auckland Council carried out a consultation on projects proposed to be funded by the regional fuel tax. Further consultation on changes to the original scheme was carried out in 2020. But in March 2024, with the repeal of RFT legislation, funding support for all projects other than Projects 4, 6 and 12 was revoked, effective 8 March 2024.

The following is a summary of the projects included in the approved proposal. Of these, only Projects 4, 6 and 12 may continue to receive RFT funding from 8 March 2024, until any remaining RFT reserve is used.

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