Balmoral road and Dominion road intersection safety upgrade Balmoral road and Dominion road intersection safety upgrade

As part of a plan to improve safety at this intersection, Auckland Transport has made improvements to this intersection by putting in raised pedestrian crossings at all four slip lanes at this intersection.

Project status: Completed

Project zone: Central


AT has made some key changes to improve this intersection and make the connection between the park, shops and nearby schools safer to walk, bike and drive around. AT is working to ensure every road user gets home safely. This includes children, senior citizens, people with a mobility issue, people walking and people on bikes or motorcycles interacting with motorists. As a Vision Zero organisation, AT is committed to making the roads around Auckland safer and reducing the rise of death and serious injury on our roads. The intersection is in the Albert-Eden Local board area.

Image of Balmoral road and Dominion road intersection works

Image showing Balmoral road and Dominion road intersection works

Project Updates

The project started in October 2022 and finished in November 2022.

Public Engagement

In November 2021, we proposed changes to improve pedestrian and road user safety at the Dominion Road and Balmoral Road intersection and asked for your feedback. After reviewing all your comments, we are proceeding with the work as proposed. These works will help support our Vision Zero goal.

Proposed improvements in your area

To upgrade the existing zebra crossings on all four of the left slip lanes at the Dominion Road and Balmoral Road intersection to raised Swedish-style zebra crossings. The zebra crossings will be raised on a flat, wide speed bump with a gentle exit which gives a smoother ride for drivers and passengers, including buses.

Auckland Transport would like to work with you to deliver safer roads in your neighbourhood. These changes are being proposed to improve pedestrian safety at these crossings which have a high pedestrian demand due to the nearby shops, restaurants, schools and Potters Park. There has been one reported injury crash when a child was crossing the slip lane in 2016. Upgrading the crossings onto raised platforms aims to improve driver’s visibility of pedestrians using the crossing, and pedestrian’s visibility of on-coming traffic. The raised platforms also reduce driver speeds near the pedestrian crossings.

More information

This proposal is supported by the Auckland Regional Fuel Tax.

For more information or queries about this project, please contact AT on 09 355 3553 or email with the name of the project in the subject heading.

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