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Safe school streets Safe school streets

Auckland Transport are working to make it safer outside schools, help reduce congestion and create a space that makes parents and their children feel safe about walking, cycling and catching public transport to school.

On this page:

Find out the project benefits.

Have your say on the Milford School programme.

Have your say on the Sunnyhills Primary School programme.

Have your say on the Willow Park School programme.

Read about the project details for Ōwairaka District School.

Read about the project details for Rutherford School.

Read about the project details for Summerland Primary School.

Project status: Consultation.
Project zone: Region-wide

Project overview

Currently approximately 140,000 students are driven to school each day across Tāmaki Makaurau, which creates issues around parking, congestion, and safety.

Safe School Streets is a pilot programme that AT is trialling with a number of schools around Auckland. The programme sees temporary measures introduced around a school before any long-term solutions are implemented.

The changes are designed to increase safety outside schools, reduce the number of vehicles during peak times and encourage more students and their families to walk and cycle to and from school each day. Some of these changes may include temporary measures such as planter boxes, speed humps, better signage and no parking and speed reduction zones.

AT is taking a Vision Zero approach to road safety. This means we are striving to have zero deaths or serious injuries on our transport system by 2050. To achieve this, we are working to create a more forgiving road network that recognises that we are human and make mistakes. But those mistakes should not mean someone dies or is seriously injured on our roads. 


  • Make it safer outside schools during drop off and pick up times.
  • Reduce congestion and illegal parking near school entrances.
  • Increase visibility of children near the school.
  • Create a safer space for parents, children and school staff to encourage more walking, cycling and catching public transport to school.


For more information on these projects

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