Ada Street, Remuera – parking restrictions Ada Street, Remuera – parking restrictions
Proposal status: closed 26 February 2019
Reference number: RTV-205
We're proposing changes in your area
We are proposing no stopping restrictions along parts of the western edge of Ada Street, in Remuera, that would apply Monday - Friday, 8am to 5pm. This would impact 15 on-street parking spaces.
Download the proposal drawing for Ada Street (PDF 601KB)
Why the changes are needed
These changes are needed to improve accessibility and manoeuvrability along Ada Street for large vehicles and residents entering and exiting their driveways. Vehicles are parking on the western side of the road all day, restricting access.
Proposal outcome
AT would like to thank residents for their feedback and the obvious thought, time and effort that has been put into that feedback and the considered proposals suggested. The main themes arising from the feedback and our responses to them are set out below.
Having witnessed the difficulties that some residents have in being able to access their properties, we feel that parking restrictions would benefit several properties. We will therefore be amending the extent of the proposal, confining the ‘No Stopping Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm’ restriction to the western kerb opposite 6 Ada Street.
This results in a loss of approximately 3 spaces from the western kerb Monday to Friday between the hours of 8am and 5pm. In addition, we will also be recommending the permanent removal of the single parking space outside 6 Ada Street as this causes issues.
We have been advised that north of 6 Ada Street there is more space to access properties so there is not an issue. It was suggested that the western kerb up to the point where the footpath begins should be restricted to No stopping at all times. Considering the findings of the recent Traffic Operations proposal, which recommended extending the No stopping at all times restrictions by only a single space, and the strong feeling that opportunities for residents parking should be retained, we have decided to propose no changes to this section.
Download the updated proposal drawing for Ada Street (PDF 350KB)
It is our intention to propose that Ada Street be included within a new residential parking zone, however at this stage the programme for 2019/2020 has yet to be agreed.
If the ‘No Stopping Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm’ control proves to be ineffective or unnecessary, then it may be removed at the time of consultation for that proposal.
Feedback received
- This proposal received positive responses from community members and stakeholders who supported the improved access for emergency services vehicles and rubbish trucks.
Additional broken yellow lines
- Respondents suggested various additional places that No stopping at all times restrictions could be placed, including;
- Extended on the top western edge down to the footpath (#12).
- Outside of 1 Ada Street.
- Between driveways.
A large proportion of responses to the original proposal were on the basis of opportunities for residents parking being reduced. Installation of No stopping at all times restrictions would remove that parking which we were currently looking to retain in the evenings and weekends. A previous investigation by our Traffic Operations team felt that No stopping at all times restrictions only needed to be extended by a single car length and that there would be little justification to extend them any further.
No stopping at all times restrictions before the traffic calming measures have some value in allowing vehicles to wait before passing though at this point we will not be adopting this suggestion.
This would have the same effect as proposing No stopping at all times restrictions along the entire street and, as noted above, is not supported by the majority of residents.
Alternative parking restrictions
- Respondents suggested that all carparks in the street (east and west sides) are made P120 Residents Parking Permit exempt.
- Many respondents requested that parking enforcement is carried out on the street on a regular basis.
- One respondent requested No stopping at all times restrictions on the eastern edge of the road and parking available all day on the western edge.
We no longer propose Residential parking schemes on individual streets, instead we have moved to an approach which covers larger areas. This has the benefit of allowing us to use less signage but also reduces the immediate impact of displaced parking. We do acknowledge that is it impossible to eliminate this impact completely. For this reason, we do not wish to propose changes to the existing scheme currently operational on Ada Street.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to ensure that every street in Auckland has Parking enforcement on each day. Parking enforcement is however carried out as part of the normal enforcement patrols.
Lack of parking
- Respondents asserted that parking demand is extremely high on Ada Street, and any further reduction of parking spaces would result in severe inconvenience.
- House owners felt that parking reduction would have a financial impact, as they may have to pay for parking elsewhere, and that the changes may impact on house prices.
- Respondents requested that 2 car parking bays are created on the western side of the street outside 1/1a Ada Street and 3 for a total of approximately 7.
We appreciate that the initial proposal would removal on-street parking and that this would inconvenience residents who park on-street during the day. We feel that residents should be able to access their property without hindrance and that if there are not provisions within the Land transport (Road User) Rule to ensure this then a direct intervention is required.
As noted above the creation of parking bays, while feasible, is outside the scope of this project and would require a redesign of the street.
Speeding concerns
- Respondents raised concerns that a lack of cars parked along the street would encourage vehicles to travel at high speed. The street is already used as a cut through from Middleton Road and Remuera Road, meaning that speed is already an issue.
We have checked our records and we have no evidence that excessive speed is an issue. We do however appreciate that the removal of any parking might raise speeds and that this would need to be addressed.
Traffic calming measures
- Respondents suggested multiple ways to ease congestion on the street, including;
- additional chicanes.
- making Ada Street a one-way street.
- restricting large vehicle access.
- speed bumps.
- a 2 metre reduction in width of the small footpath at the end of the road, to enable the road to be widened.
Road markings
- Respondents requested that parking spaces are marked individually on the road.
- One respondent asserted that 6 Ada Street have illegally marked their own white line outside their driveway.
- One respondent requested that the space outside of 6 Ada Street is removed.
We do not support the marking of parking spaces on the road as they are not required. Any infringement notice issued is done against a provision in the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 not against where an advisory line might be marked. It is the responsibility of the driver of the vehicle to ensure their vehicle is legally parked. In addition, research has shown that more effective use is made of available space if individual parking spaces are not marked out.
We will mark advisory limit lines either side of a vehicle entrance only if there is a history of obstruction. On this occasion the space has been marked outside a single property at 6 Ada Street and has been present since at least 2009. As noted above, line markings hold no legal standing and if they were removed a vehicle could still park there in accordance with the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004. The amended proposal now removes this space and these markings will be removed by us, upon approval of the recommendations made in the final report.
Street maintenance
- Respondents felt strongly that repair should be carried out on the footpaths.
- One respondent also requested that maintenance of the trees should be ordered.
- Many respondents requested that extensive signage for parking spaces be installed, as well as the correction of a parking sign with an error outside of 10 Ada Street. (One respondent included correspondence with us on this issue, asserts that error has been in place for 2 years).
At the moment, Ada Street is not included within the footpath, kerb and channel or surfacing programme in 2018/19 or 2019/20.
Regarding the footpaths and street foliage, we have passed these concerns on to our maintenance team, who will resolve these issues if it is deemed necessary.
We have requested that the sign fault be addressed outside 10 Ada Street. Parking signage is only installed where there is a legally resolved parking restriction. As noted above we do not support the marking of parking spaces.
Next steps
This work will happen between August and October 2019, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.
Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.