Alexis Avenue, Mount Albert - Broken yellow lines Alexis Avenue, Mount Albert - Broken yellow lines

Proposal status: Feedback closed 11 February 2021. Last updated 23 April 2021.

Reference number: BYL-482

Proposal outcome

In January 2021, we proposed changes to improve access along parts of Alexis Avenue in Mount Albert. After reviewing all the feedback, we have decided not to proceed with the proposed works. Residents identified concerns with the loss of parking, an increase in speeding and rat-running and did not feel this project was required due to the Mount Albert speed calming project. Although we are not proceeding with this proposal, the Mount Albert speed calming project includes addressing safety and speed issues on Alexis Avenue. The Mount Albert Speed calming project is currently on hold due to funding.

Community Feedback

Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.


  • Multiple concerns with the removal of parking as there will be a lack of parking for residents and visitors.
    We have listened to community feedback and this proposal is not proceeding. However, Auckland Transport always advises not to rely on on-street parking for your individual parking needs as it can be removed or redesigned at any time to meet wider strategic objectives of an area.
  • Query if people can park on the grass berm?
    It is illegal to park on the grass berm however, signage to reinforce this needs to be installed to enforce the offending vehicles. This is currently being prioritised in areas where parking on the grass is posing safety issues.
  • Mentions that the majority of cars parked on Alexis Avenue, Kitenui Avenue, Alberton Avenue and other side streets during the day are students from Mount Albert Grammar School. Suggests this should be addressed with the school to reduce the number of cars parking on these streets during weekdays.
    On-street parking is a public asset that can be used by anyone on first come, first serve basis. If parking occupancy is a concern on the mentioned streets, parking restrictions may be considered in line with Auckland Transport Parking Strategy


  • Multiple mentions that the street is currently wide enough and rubbish trucks can access the street.
    Alexis Avenue is approximately 6.5m wide (kerb to kerb) and any street less than a 7m carriageway is considered a narrow street as per the new Traffic Design Manual.
  • Mentions it is difficult for residents to turn into driveways.
    We understand that vehicles parked on the road can sometimes be an inconvenience. Parking within one metre of a driveway is illegal and this is clearly outlined in the NZ Road Code. If a vehicle is parked within one metre of your driveway and blocking your access, please call parking enforcement on 09 355 3553 with vehicle details and enforcement shall be organised.

Mount Albert Speed Calming Project

  • Query if this proposal replaces the Mount Albert Speed Calming project. Concern that it is not necessary to have both broken yellow lines and speed bumps with planted islands. Concern that speed bumps with islands would also further reduce the number of available car spaces.
    As the Mount Albert speed calming project was put on hold, this proposal was intended to address access concerns in the short term. We have listened to community feedback and this proposal is not proceeding.

Broken Yellow Lines

  • Suggestion to repaint the existing broken yellow lines on both sides of the road turning from New North Road as they are fading.
    We will pass your feedback on to our Road Maintenance team to repaint the faded broken yellow lines.
  • Suggestion to add broken yellow lines on the corners of Francis Ryan Close and Violet Street as parking on corners is not allowed.
    The Land Transport Road User Rules state that it is illegal to park a vehicle within an intersection or within 6 m of an intersection. If you have concerns about parking behaviour in your neighbourhood, you can contact our parking enforcement team by phone at 09 355 3553.

We're proposing improvements in your area

Aucklanders have told us that moving around our city safely and easily is important to them. We are proposing some improvements to your area.

Residents have asked us to address the issue of cars parking on both sides of this narrow street blocking access. We are proposing to paint broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) along parts of Alexis Avenue and are asking for your views.

Proposed changes:

  • Paint broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) on alternate sides of the street between 7-33 Alexis Avenue. This will remove approximately 15 on-street parking spaces.

Auckland Transport would like to work with you to deliver safer roads in your neighbourhood. We know that it is difficult for residents and large vehicles to access this narrow street. We consider a street to be narrow if the road is less than 6.8 metres wide. At a minimum, this width allows two metres worth of parking on each side of the road while retaining a 2.8 metre through lane, which emergency services have confirmed is the minimum space required for their vehicles to have access. The addition of broken yellow lines will improve access for all vehicles including waste collection trucks and emergency services vehicles. To reduce the impact of parking loss for residents and to slow driver speeds, we have proposed the broken yellow lines on alternate sides of the street. We understand removing parking can be inconvenient and have minimised the number of parking spaces removed while also providing clear access.

Download the proposal drawing for Alexis Avenue (PDF 372KB)

What happens next

  • We’ll consider all the feedback we receive, and then decide the best way to move forward.
  • We’ll post the outcome of this proposal and a summary of community feedback on this webpage.
  • We can email you the proposal outcome as soon as it’s ready – just select that option when you fill in the survey.

Mount Albert: Safe with us

Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Alexis Avenue are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).