Beachcroft Avenue and Arthur Street, Onehunga – Pedestrian upgrade Beachcroft Avenue and Arthur Street, Onehunga – Pedestrian upgrade
Proposal status: Feedback closed 21 November 2019, last updated 17 June 2021
Reference number: MIP1920-028
Proposal update
We advised you in January 2020 that these works were scheduled to be constructed by June 2021.
This project is part of the Minor Improvements Programme which is dependent on the level of funding we receive from Auckland Council. This year funding has been reduced due to COVID-19. Planning and design will continue but currently many projects, including this project, cannot be delivered in the 2020/2021 financial year.
Next steps
This project now has a construction target of the 2021/22 financial year.
Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.
We're making changes in your area
In November 2019, we proposed to upgrade pedestrian facilities near the intersection of Beachcroft Avenue and Arthur Street in Onehunga.
Our proposal responded to requests from the local community and Onehunga High School to tackle problems with high vehicle speeds and a lack of safe pedestrian crossings along these roads. The proposed upgrade aims to improve pedestrian safety by providing clear crossing points, improving visibility between drivers and people walking, and calming vehicle speeds approaching the intersection.
Changes on Beachcroft Avenue
We will:
- install a raised table near 44 Beachcroft Avenue to ease traffic speeds on the approach to the intersection
- install a raised zebra crossing near the intersection with Arthur Street and reconstruct footpaths to provide safer and more convenient walking connections
- install new signs and road markings to support the raised table and raised crossing.
Changes on Arthur Street
We will:
- build out the eastern kerb and construct connecting footpaths to shorten the crossing distance for people walking across the street
- improve the existing refuge island and kerb ramps to enable safer crossing at this location
- install No Stopping At All Times parking restrictions at each corner of the intersection to prevent parked cars from blocking visibility between drivers and people walking.
Changes on Pleasant Street
We will:
- improve the existing kerb ramps and footpaths at the corners of Pleasant Street to enable easier crossing for pedestrians
- trim trees to provide a clear view for drivers approaching the intersection with Arthur Street.
- install No Stopping At All Times parking restrictions to improve visibility between drivers and people walking.
Download the proposal drawing for Beachcroft Avenue and Arthur Street (PDF 1.54MB)
Proposal outcome
The proposed changes will proceed to the next stage of detailed planning before being constructed. Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.
Community feedback
- Respondents supported the proposal improving pedestrian safety. Thank you for your feedback, we are pleased you believe our proposal will be a benefit to pedestrian safety in the area.
- Respondents expressed concern that the works would not reduce the speed in the area and suggested a bridge instead. The current speeds along Beachcroft Avenue are approximately 57 kilometres per hour. Introducing 2 raised tables will certainly reduce speed and promote a slow speed environment in the area. A raised speed table, when compared to a pedestrian bridge, offers a better journey for vulnerable users, who can easily cross the road. In addition, the construction of a pedestrian bridge could take years and we are looking at short term alternatives.
- Respondent suggested installing skid resistant surfacing on the raised tables to make the line markings last longer. We only install skid resistant surfacing where it is necessary to help drivers lower their speed. This is not necessary on a speed table, as the table itself has already helped lower drivers’ speeds.