Blockhouse Bay & Lynfield - Dominion Rd double decker bus mitigation Blockhouse Bay & Lynfield - Dominion Rd double decker bus mitigation
Proposal status: closed 19 July 2018
Reference number: RTV-046
We're proposing changes in your area
We are proposing to provide clearance on the roads around Dominion Road for double decker buses to be introduced on the bus routes in this area.
Double decker buses require more lateral clearance at bus stops and mid-block than single decker buses. We are proposing to install edge line marking, formalising the on-street parking area, and standardise the bus stops to comply with current standards.
Why the changes are needed
These changes are needed because Dominion Road is an important primary arterial route within the road network, providing direct connection between Auckland CBD and the southern suburbs, as well as a link to Auckland Airport.
Cluster 1 - Blockhouse Bay
Download the proposal drawings for Blockhouse Bay (PDF 5.7MB)
Cluster 2 - Lynfield
Download the proposal drawings for Lynfield (PDF 8.8MB)
Proposal outcome
This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning. A summary of the community feedback we received and answers to questions and concerns is below.
Feedback received
Concerns around the need for double decker buses
Perception that double decker buses are not necessary or will have a detrimental effect on the area; for example:
- Concern around intrusion of privacy (patrons on the top deck seeing into homes) and noise pollution. Engineers can confirm that the implementation of double decker buses on other routes in the Auckland region have not caused residents issues or concerns about privacy. There have been no issues/concerns regarding any additional vibrations on the road caused by double decker buses.
- Concern about increased litter from bus passengers because of increased bus patronage. Most bus stops are equipped with rubbish bins and the responsibility lies with the passengers to pick up their litter. It should not be a reason for not rolling out double decker buses.
- Querying why the new buses require so much space. Double decker buses require additional clearance compared to single decker buses due to their height.
Concerns about proposed infrastructure
- Concern about priority bus lanes merging with other traffic. Bus priority lane is not being implemented as part of this project. The bus priority lane has previously been consulted on. Your feedback has been passed on to the bus priority team for their information.
- Concerns about CAT eyes and resurfacing. Resurfacing and CAT eye installation are not included in the scope of this project.
- Concern that property owners’ investments will be devalued. Double decker buses are not linked to property devaluation.
- Concern around the bus stop pole and rubbish bin at the bus stop outside 82 Donovan Street obscuring driveways; request for the bus stop to be relocated. The location of the bus stop will not be moved; however, the rubbish bin and the pole with timetable can be relocated to a more suitable location. This has been passed to the Traffic Operations team to determine if there is a sight line issues for vehicles.
- Concern around buses causing rain water to flood residents driveways. Buses should not cause rainwater to flood residents’ driveways. However, your feedback has been passed onto the Stormwater team for further investigation.
- Querying why the proposal indicates that the street light at the corner of Strathnaver Crescent is being relocated. The light at 37 Halsey Drive will be relocated to 1 metre away from the kerb, not to Strathnaver Crescent.
- Querying why the power poles in the drawing for Cluster 1, Sheet 4, Plan 5 need relocating as there is no grass berm at this location and the footpath is double width. The poles require relocation as they are within the clearance zone of double decker buses.
Concerns over loss of parking
- Concern that implementation of broken yellow lines will affect parking for the Roskill South Kindergarten (1327 Dominion Road Ext). The bus stop outside 1327 Dominion Road is being reduced from 19 metres to 15 metres; 5.5 metres of broken yellow lines have been proposed. This is a net loss of 1.5 metres on street parking length which is less than one car park.
- Feels that AT are removing parking but the frequency of the bus services do not justify the loss of parking. Routes 25L (Lynfield) and 25B (Blockhouse Bay) run every 10 min from 7am to 7pm in the new network that was recently rolled out. Double decker buses will provide the additional capacity and encourage more people to use buses.
Requests or suggestions
- Request that the white lines on each side of the road should be broken yellow lines instead to save on paint, labour and ongoing maintenance and because drivers understand these better than white lines. The purpose of white lines is to delineate the on street parking; it does not forbid on-street parking as broken yellow lines do.
Concerns about multiple road digs for various projects; ‘Dig Once’ principle; request for underground power as opposed to relocation of power poles and lights, concern that power poles are being located too close to residential properties.
Undergrounding of services was discussed with various utility providers. There are various locations where underground is possible through cost sharing with utility providers. Underground costs significantly more than service relocation and it is always not justifiable when weighing up the cost and benefit. Power poles are required to be relocated further away from the kerb for the safe operation of the double decker buses.
Next steps
This work will happen before December 2019, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.
Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.