Fenton Street, Eden Terrace - Broken yellow lines Fenton Street, Eden Terrace - Broken yellow lines
Proposal status: closed 9 February 2019
Reference number: BYL-373
We're proposing changes in your area
We propose to install No stopping at all times restrictions (broken yellow lines) on the north side of Fenton Street, outside property numbers 7-11. This will remove approximately 5 parking spaces from the street.
Download the proposal drawing for Fenton Street (PDF 859KB)
Why the changes are needed
We aim to improve the accessibility of Fenton Street by installing No stopping at all times restrictions (broken yellow lines) on the north side of the street. Currently, vehicles parking on the street can block the commercial driveway access.
Proposal outcome
This project will not be proceeding to the next stage of detailed planning. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback. A summary of this feedback and answers to community questions and concerns is below.
Feedback received
Adjustment to existing proposal
- Respondents request that the lines are extended to the end of the street.
- Respondents request that restrictions are only installed outside of #7 in order to allow residents’ parking and access simultaneously.
- Respondents asserted that the proposals would inconvenience them substantially and alter their living conditions.
As the on-street parking is a valuable public asset under high demand, we will not be proceeding with the restrictions.
Additional Requests
- Respondent requested that a loading zone be put in place on Fenton street, as they believed that the vehicles serving businesses (example: Rubbish trucks and couriers) were causing the road to be blocked.
On-street parking is a valuable public asset at this location, as has been shown in external consultation, and we are therefore unable to make any changes solely to meet the needs of a particular individual, business, or organisation. Careful consideration is required when looking at amendments to the parking layout in any given location to ensure that the varied needs of the wider community are met.
To date, we have not received many requests from businesses in the area requiring a loading zone on the street, therefore we would not propose an on-street loading zone at this time.
Furthermore, all businesses are advised not to rely on on-street parking to meet their loading – unloading needs and provision should be made on the site in the first instance.
- Several responses suggested removing the rocky and grassy area on Fenton Street and installing parking bays in this area instead.
AT does not have full ownership of this land as it is part-owned by Kiwi-Rail and so we are unable to make any changes here at this time.
- Responses suggested that a solution could be to install residents-only parking, therefore decreasing the amount of cars on the road from the park-and-ride commuters.
The objective of the residential parking zones is to prioritise parking for residents and also for short term parking such as used by the customers of local businesses.
In considering where residential parking zones are proposed and who might be eligible to apply for a permit, Auckland Transport has used the unitary plan to identify areas which are zoned as residential. We have excluded areas which are zoned as town centres and we have also tended to exclude those areas zoned as mixed use – business as these do not have a residential focus.
While we appreciate that there will be residential elements to some of these areas these usually involve intensification and are not single dwellings. To include these areas immediately opens eligibility for business staff or intensified dwellings all of whom tend to increase demand. This in itself would not be a problem if that parking demand was spread across the zone but unfortunately this is not the case and leads to high occupancy adjacent to these areas.
In the case of Fenton Street this area is zoned as business mixed use so it would be extremely unlikely that AT would consider proposing a residential parking zone in this area in the future.
- Responses suggested that angled parking would be a better use of the space on the road and allow trucks to pass.
There is not enough room available on the AT owned land on Fenton Street to formalise any angle parking due to part ownership by KiwiRail.
Next steps
After taking into account the feedback of this proposal we will not be progressing it any further at this time. The area already has a very high parking demand and we have received strong opposition against the removal of any parking here.