Kitenui Avenue, Mount Albert - Loading Zone Kitenui Avenue, Mount Albert - Loading Zone
Proposal status: updated 20 June 2019
Reference number: RTV-196
We've proposed changes in your area
We proposed replacing two time-restricted P30 parking spaces on Kitenui Avenue in Mount Albert with a P5 Loading Zone, which would operate at all times for goods vehicles only.
Download the proposal drawing for Kitenui Avenue (PDF 459KB)
Why the changes are needed
The proposal aims to better serve local businesses by providing short-term parking for deliveries. Currently, delivery vehicles at this location are often double parking due to limited parking availability, thereby posing safety and visibility issues for road users.
Proposal outcome
As a result of mixed feedback and opposition to the proposal, this project will not be proceeding to the next stage of detailed planning. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback.