Margot Street, Epsom – Safety improvements Margot Street, Epsom – Safety improvements
Proposal status: Feedback closed 19 December 2019, last updated 25 November 2020.
Reference number: SSP1920-003
Proposal update - 25 November 2020
We advised you in February 2020 that these works were scheduled to be constructed by June 2020. Unfortunately, construction of this project did not happen due to the impact of Covid-19. This project is part of the Safe Schools programme and is dependent on the level of funding we receive from Auckland Council. This year funding has been reduced due to Covid-19. Planning and design will continue but currently many projects, like this project, cannot be delivered in the 2020/2021 financial year.
This project now has a construction target of the 2021/22 financial year. We’ll let you know again next year more details about the commencement of works subject to budget availability.
We've proposed changes in your area
In December 2019, we proposed safety improvements outside 44 Margot Street in Epsom. Our proposal responded to a request from the Diocesan School for Girls who are promoting new transport modes such as walking and using public transport.
The recommended changes include upgrading the current crossing to a raised zebra crossing and widening the footpath. This will improve the safety of people walking on Margot Street. We are also proposing to change the parking opposite 51 Margot Street to a school bus bay allowing for the increased number of bus services.
Proposed changes outside 47 Margot Street
- Upgrade the current crossing to a zebra crossing on a raised platform that is level with the footpath. This will slow road users and give people priority to cross.
- Install signs and road markings leading up to the crossing.
Proposed changes opposite 51 Margot Street
- Change the parking area to a bus bay operating during school days from 7am to 4pm.
- Widen the footpath to give people more room to safely travel.
- The angled parking spaces would be changed to parallel parking as a result from widening the footpath. This will reduce the number of parking spaces from 10 to 5 spaces. Parking will be allowed outside school hours from 4pm-7am.
Proposed changes opposite 45 Margot Street
- The angled parking spaces would be changed to parallel parking spaces. This will allow for the footpath to be widened giving people more room to safely travel. This will reduce the number of parking spaces from 5 to 2 spaces. The current parking restrictions will be kept, P5 (5-minute) 7am to 9am and 2:30pm to 5pm, school days.
Proposed changes opposite 33-41 Margot Street
- Enlarge bus stop with 'no stopping restrictions' (broken yellow lines) to allow buses to enter and exit safely.
Download the proposal drawing for Margot Street (PDF 2MB)
Proposal outcome - 5 February 2020
The proposed changes will proceed to the next stage of detailed planning before construction. Thank you everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.
Community feedback
- We received positive feedback noting that the proposal would improve pedestrian safety and prioritise active modes and public transport.
Thank you for your feedback and happy to hear our initiatives are improving Margot Street. - Concerns about loss of parking.
We have been working together with the Diocesan School for Girls on campaigns to promote using public transport. Although not all users will be able to utilise bus services, it is expected that there will be a reduction of parents and school staff travelling by car to the School. Therefore, parking availability is not expected to be an issue for the ones that will not be able to travel by bus. - Suggestion there is no need for extra bus parking areas.
In order to increase active modes of transportation, the number of school buses will be increased from six to eight. As there is no physical space for new buses to park along Margot Street, new bus bays are required. The space required was calculated based on the new bus service demand. - Suggestion to have a protected separated cycle infrastructure in the area on Manukau Road.
We are currently undertaking a number of projects on arterial roads such as Manukau Road which will look at ways to improve movement for public transport as well as increasing safety for active modes of travel such as cycling and walking. As there is a dedicated project for Manukau Road, this suggestion will not be progressed at part of this proposal. - Suggestion to have bike priority boxes at all intersections in the area.
Bike priority boxes are generally installed on signalised intersections and where there is a cycle lane facility. At the present moment, cycle lanes have not been provided along Margot Street. However, we will look at improvements in the future, as demand of cyclists is expected to increase.