Oxton Road and Arabi Street, Sandringham - Traffic calming Oxton Road and Arabi Street, Sandringham - Traffic calming
Proposal status: closed 2 November 2018
Reference number: MIP1718-017B
We're proposing changes in your area
We are proposing to install two new speed humps along Oxton Road in Sandringham, near the intersection with Arabi Street.
Download the proposal drawing for Oxton Road and Arabi Street (PDF 765KB)
Why the changes are needed
Our investigations suggest that drivers often travel through the intersection at high speeds, posing safety risks to all road users. The proposed changes would encourage drivers on Oxton Road to slow down on the approach, improving road safety and increasing driver awareness.
Proposal outcome
This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback. A summary of this feedback and answers to community questions and concerns is below.
Feedback received
- This proposal received positive responses from community members and stakeholders who supported efforts to slow cars down along Oxton Road.
- Concerns that cars travelling along Arabi Street speed through the intersection without stopping, and requests to further investigate enforcement measures of the existing stop signs on Arabi Street.
We have explored a number of design options and opportunities for enforcement at the stop sign on Arabi Street. These options included construction of a raised intersection and installation of traffic islands and additional signage. After further investigation, however, these options were deemed infeasible due to existing site constraints, such as site topography, the presence of driveways, and frequent use by service vehicles with a larger turning radius. - Request to relocate the proposed speed hump on the eastern leg of Oxton Road nearer to the intersection.
We expect that the location of the speed humps as proposed will (1) ensure sufficient speed reduction through the intersection and will (2) allow adequate lighting given the positions of existing street lights. These speed humps will serve to further prevent high speed crashes at this intersection. - Requests to install another speed hump along Oxton Road closer to the intersection with Sandringham Road.
At this stage, we do not expect that further speed calming measures along Oxton Road would significantly benefit road safety over and above what is being proposed. The proposed speed humps will serve to further prevent high speed crashes at the intersection of Oxton Road and Arabi Street. - Request to install an additional speed hump on Oxton Road near Pine Street.
At this stage, we do not expect that further speed calming measures along Oxton Road would significantly benefit road safety over and above what is being proposed. The proposed speed humps will serve to further prevent high speed crashes at the intersection of Oxton Road and Arabi Street. - Requests to install speed humps on Arabi Street close to the intersection to encourage drivers to slow and adhere to the stop controls.
The existing speed humps on northern and southern approaches to the stop control on Arabi Street are located in suitable positions to bring attention to the stop control but also to reduce speeds through the intersection if vehicles fail to stop. - Requests to raise the intersection of Arabi Street and Oxton Road, similar to what is currently in place along Walters Road near Eden Park.
This option was previously investigated but was deemed infeasible due to the grading of the road and nearby properties, which could result in issues with flooding if implemented. - Concerns that existing speed humps on Arabi Street are too far from the intersection with Oxton Road and are therefore ineffective at slowing vehicles where it is needed.
The existing speed humps on northern and southern approaches to the stop control on Arabi Street are located in suitable positions to bring attention to the stop control but also to reduce speeds through the intersection if vehicles fail to stop. - Request to install a raised zebra crossing over Arabi Street near the intersection.
Our investigations into the crash history on Arabi Street and Oxton Road do not suggest that there are significant pedestrian safety concerns at this location. At this stage, pedestrian demand is also not high enough to justify installation of a raised table zebra crossing. We expect that the proposed speed humps will help create a lower speed environment which will be safer for all road users. - Request to install judder bars on Arabi Street on approach to the intersection to encourage drivers to slow.
The existing speed humps on northern and southern approaches to the stop control on Arabi Street are located in suitable positions to bring attention to the stop control but also to reduce speeds through the intersection if vehicles fail to stop. Any additional speed calming would be redundant and potentially create further noise pollution which is not desirable in a residential area. - Concern that trees along Oxton Road limit driver visibility and that low-hanging limbs would obscure new signs.
This has been noted and we will ensure that the visibility of all treatments including signage is maintained as we progress the design further and when construction begins. - Concerns that vehicles parked around the intersection of Arabi Street and Oxton Road block visibility for drivers.
Based on investigations into crash history, we note that within the last 5 years there are no records of accidents resulting from poor visibility. We expect that the proposal will help create a lower speed environment which will be safer for all road users. Parking directly around an intersection, however, is prohibited according to the NZ Road Code and is therefore enforceable. If observed, please call AT Enforcement on 09 355 3553 which operates 24 hours a day. - Request to upgrade the footpaths along Oxton Road.
We note that the width of the Oxton Road footpath meets current standards and are generally in good condition; therefore a footpath upgrade is not required at this stage.
Next steps
This work will happen on or before June 2020, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays. Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.