Vestey Drive, Mount Wellington - Broken yellow lines Vestey Drive, Mount Wellington - Broken yellow lines
Proposal status: Feedback closed 12 September 2019, last updated 4 October 2019.
Reference number: BYL-142B
We've proposed changes in your area
In August 2019, we proposed new broken yellow lines parking restrictions on Vestey Drive, Mount Wellington.
Download the proposal drawing for Vestey Drive (PDF 296KB).
Why the changes are needed
Our proposal responded to a request from the local community to address issues of cars parking too close to the Westfield Place and Niall Burges Road intersections making it difficult to turn out of these streets.
The broken yellow lines ensure improved visibility between drivers at these locations. It also includes parking restrictions next to the Vestey Drive bus stop that make it safer for buses to pull into and away from the kerb.
Proposal outcome
The proposed broken yellow lines will proceed to the next stage of detailed planning before being painted on the road. Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.
Community feedback
- Respondents acknowledged that the broken yellow lines would provide better visibility for drivers turning into or exiting Niall Burges and Westfield Place.
We are pleased to hear that the proposal has been received positively by the community. - Request to extend broken yellow lines down Vestey Drive, to prevent speeding.
Based on high parking demand and low safety risk, we are unable to extend broken yellow lines further down Vestey Drive. Our investigation has determined that speed is not a significant safety concern on Vestey Drive. In addition, there is high parking demand along Vestey Drive. We only install broken yellow lines in locations where safety is major concern, such as the visibility issues identified at the intersection of Vestey Drive with Niall Burges Road and with Westfield Place. We will continue to monitor Vestey Drive for speed and make changes in the future if there is an increase in speeding. - Concern as to why cars parked on the corners of Westfield Place and Niall Burges Road are not being ticketed.
The vehicles are not allowed to park on or within 6 metres of an intersection, as it impacts on visibility entering and exiting the intersection. Cars that are currently parking within these six metres will get a ticket when there is a Parking Officer working in the area or through request from the community. If you would like to request a parking officer to visit the site, please contact us (09) 355 3553 with the vehicle details to request a parking officer visit the site.
Next steps
These works are planned by January 2020, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays. Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.