Winstone Road and Denbigh Avenue, Mt Roskill – Intersection improvements Winstone Road and Denbigh Avenue, Mt Roskill – Intersection improvements
Proposal status: Closed
Reference number: MIP2021-001
Proposal update
In May 2021 we invited community feedback on our proposal to upgrade the existing pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Winstone Road and Denbigh Avenue, Mt Roskill. We are writing to let you know about an update to the construction timeframe of this project. We updated our estimates, and we expect that the construction will take place between July and December 2022.
Next steps
We’ll contact you again before construction begins with more detail about the commencement of works.
Proposal outcome
In June 2021, we proposed some changes to improve pedestrian safety at the intersection of Winstone Road and Denbigh Avenue in Mount Roskill. These changes are in response to requests for pedestrian safety improvements from the Puketāpapa Local Board and local residents. After reviewing all the feedback, we are proceeding with the work as proposed. These works will help support our Vision Zero goal.
What happens next
We anticipate the changes will be constructed in the next financial year, starting in July 2022. We will be in touch with residents prior to any construction taking place.
Community feedback
Thank you for adding your voice to this proposal. Your local knowledge has helped us make this decision for your neighbourhood. A summary of your comments and queries, and our responses to them, is below.
Proposed raised crossing
- Concern that people crossing Winstone Road will not use the upgraded crossing if it is moved up the road, away from the intersection.
Our transportation engineers have undertaken pedestrian and traffic surveys in the area, observing the way people drive between Winstone Road and Denbigh Avenue and found that the current location of the crossing is too close to the intersection. With the current layout, drivers turning left onto Winstone Road don’t have enough space on the road to stop, so they often fail to give priority to the people crossing the road. Similarly, people driving south on Winstone Road stop on top of the zebra crossing while waiting at the stop sign.
By relocating the crossing further north of the intersection, people will be able to safely cross the road without being exposed to vehicles turning from Denbigh Avenue or being obstructed by vehicles waiting at the stop sign. We expect these safety benefits will make the new crossing a more attractive option. - Concern that moving the zebra crossing will make it more difficult for drivers to see people crossing Winstone Road.
The proposed broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times lines) on the approaches to the crossing have been proposed to keep clear lines of sight between drivers and people crossing the road. The proposed crossing will be on a raised table which increases the visibility of the crossing and the people using it, especially schoolchildren. We will also be installing yellow “crosswalk” advisory signs on Denbigh Avenue to warn drivers approaching the crossing from any direction. - Suggestion that a fence is installed to keep people from crossing at the existing crossing point at the intersection instead of the proposed raised crossing and walking over the proposed grass berm.
A fence doesn’t offer any additional safety benefits and may make it difficult for large vehicles to turn and for drivers to see oncoming cars or people crossing the road, so we will not be installing a fence at this time.
Proposed Broken Yellow Lines
- Query about whether the removal of the 10 legal car parks could be reduced.
We understand that on-street parking is a valuable asset to residents who live in the area, so we have limited the number of parking spaces lost where we can. The proposed on-street parking is the minimum that will provide clear sightlines between drivers and people crossing the road.
Safety concerns in the neighbourhood
- Concerns raised about the high volume traffic at a dangerous intersection/roundabout at the Denbigh/Dominion intersection at a motorway access point near a major school campus, crammed into a dense residential area. Suggestion that the roundabout at Dominion Road and Denbigh Road should be changed to a signalised intersection.
This proposal is aimed at making the Winstone Road and Denbigh Avenue intersection safer for all road users, especially for schoolchildren and people walking in your neighbourhood. The request for removing the Denbigh/Dominion roundabout is out of the scope for this project, but we have registered this suggestion, and the concerns raised about the wider neighbourhood, for future consideration. - Request that the 40km/h speed limit is applied farther north up Winstone Road drivers speed and rat-run, avoiding Mt Albert Road & Dominion Road, through the side roads in the area like Winstone.
We will pass this comment for our Road Safety team, which is working on a speed reduction bylaw.
We proposed improvements in your area
Aucklanders have told us that moving around our city safely and easily is important to them. We are proposing some improvements to your area.
We have been asked by residents and the Puketāpapa Local Board to upgrade the existing pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Winstone Road and Denbigh Avenue.
The changes we proposed:
- Upgrade the existing zebra crossing on Winstone Road to a raised zebra crossing and reposition it approximately 6 metres north from its current position.
- Upgrade the crossing points at this intersection with tactile pavers, which are yellow guidance paving markers to help the visually impaired find the crossing and safely cross the road.
- Paint broken yellow lines at all corners of this intersection which will remove 10 legal on-street parking spaces. This will provide clear sight lines between drivers and pedestrians at the intersection.
- Install new road markings and signs to support these changes.
Download the proposal drawing for Winstone Road and Denbigh Avenue (PDF 1.6MB)
We have designed these changes because this area has a history of crashes involving pedestrians. The Winstone-Denbigh intersection is a priority for improvements because it is close to the Mt Roskill schools and children cross the street here on the way to and from school. The proposed raised zebra crossing at the north side of the intersection would slow drivers’ speeds and increase the visibility of people crossing the road.
We understand removing parking can be inconvenient, so we have minimised the removal while clearing space near the crossing points so drivers and pedestrians waiting to cross can see each other clearly.
More information
- This proposal is supported by the Auckland Regional Fuel Tax.
Mount Roskill: Safe with us
Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Winstone Road and Denbigh Avenue are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).