Oakwood Grove, Eastern Beach - Broken yellow lines Oakwood Grove, Eastern Beach - Broken yellow lines
Proposal status: Feedback closed 15 November 2019, last updated 10 December 2019
Reference number: BYL-427
We're making changes in your area
In November 2019, we proposed to to extend the existing broken yellow lines at the bend on Oakwood Grove in Eastern Beach. The proposed parking restriction involved removing two parking spaces.
Our proposal responded to a request from the local community to address the issue of parked cars blocking visibility in the bend on Oakwood Grove. By extending the broken yellow lines, drivers will no longer be forced onto the right-hand side of the street and block vehicles exiting Oakwood Grove. As a result, we aim to improve visibility and safety for all drivers along this stretch of road..
Download the proposal drawing for Oakwood Grove (PDF 211KB)
Proposal outcome
The proposed changes will proceed to the next stage of detailed planning before installing these parking restrictions. Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.
Community feedback
We received positive feedback noting the proposal would create a safer road for road users.
Thank you for your feedback and glad to hear the proposal will improve the safety of residents and road users.
- Concern that extending the ‘no stopping’ (broken yellow lines) will be ignored by people parking cars. Vehicles parking on the ‘no stopping’ (broken yellow lines) would be liable to get a ticket when there is a Parking Officer working in the area or through request from the community. If you would like to request a parking officer to visit the site, please contact us 09 355 3553 with the vehicle details and location.
Next steps
These works are planned to take place before March 2020, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.
Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.