Ander Place, Takapuna - Broken yellow lines Ander Place, Takapuna - Broken yellow lines
Proposal status: updated 14 March 2019
Reference number: BYL-354
We're making changes in your area
We previously contacted residents regarding our proposal to extend broken yellow lines on Ander Place. Given the low level of feedback, we are extending the period for public feedback. We encourage residents wishing to provide feedback to do so using the button below on this page.
We are proposing to extend broken yellow lines on Ander Place, including the removal of 4 on-street parking spaces.
Download the project drawing for Ander Place (PDF 221KB)
Why the changes are needed
These changes are expected to improve accessibility to the end of the street, particularly for large vehicles including emergency services and rubbish collection trucks.
Proposal outcome
This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback.
Feedback received
A summary of feedback and answers to community questions and concerns:
- This proposal received positive responses from community members and stakeholders who supported efforts to improve access on Ander Place.
- Concern that due to the curvature of the road, many people parking on street between properties 6 and 10 are unable to park close to the kerb. As this is a narrow road, vehicles parked on both sides of the road present difficulties for vehicles to pass, especially larger vehicles such as emergency services. We believe that the changes proposed will ensure sufficient access for drivers.
- Concern over visibility for residents at properties 6 to 10 reversing out of their driveways at the bend on Ander Place. This is a very low speed and low traffic area. The proposed broken yellow lines directly opposite will make it easier for residents to reverse out of their driveways.
- Request to instead place broken yellow lines on the western side of the bend in Ander Place. Extending and joining the existing broken yellow lines provides consistency on the road which also improves accessibility for those exiting their driveways.
- Request to retain some P180 parking along Ander Place and to provide additional visitor parking at the cul-de-sac head. There is a parking bay at the cul-de-sac head which supports additional parking. As this is a narrow road, vehicles parked on both sides present difficulties for vehicles to pass, especially larger vehicles such as emergency services.
- Request for some alternative parking given the number of people who require parking at this location (construction is ongoing nearby). Unfortunately, there are no practical solutions at this stage to increase parking on this road. There is a parking bay at the cul-de-sac head to support additional parking. We expect that the spike in parking demand is a result of ongoing construction nearby and is therefore temporary.
- Concern that vegetation on the northwest corner of the intersection of Ander Place and Killarney Street creates visibility issues for drivers turning onto Killarney. Thank you for your feedback. We have passed your concerns onto our arborists for further investigation.
Next steps
This work will happen on or before October 2019, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays. Our contractors will send notices to affected residents prior to starting construction.