Bush Road, Albany - Parking restrictions Bush Road, Albany - Parking restrictions
Proposal status: Feedback closed 13 September 2019, last updated 23 October 2019
Reference number: RTV-233
We've proposed changes in your area
In June 2019 we proposed new parking restrictions on Bush Road in Albany at the approach to the intersection with Albany Highway. Our proposal responded to a request from the Upper Harbour Local Board to address congestion along this stretch of road, particularly during peak traffic hours.
Download the proposal drawing for Bush Road, Albany (PDF 285KB).
Why the changes are needed
This proposal is needed to alleviate significant congestion on this section of road. Currently, vehicles wanting to go straight or right out of Bush Road are forced to wait behind left turners, which results in some drivers moving onto the wrong side of the road to get around this queue. We believe a clearway, along with Broken Yellow Lines, will mitigate this safety and congestion risk.
Proposal outcome
The proposed changes will proceed to the next stage of detailed planning with minor changes before being implemented. As part of the improvements, we will also be including a 30 minute parking restriction for 4 spaces in front of 235 Bush Road. This parking restriction will apply from Monday to Friday 8am to 3pm to improve parking turnover. The obsolete bus stops on Bush Road will also be removed to reduce confusion, reinstating approximately 6 new parking spaces.
Community feedback
- Many respondents supported the proposal, noting that clearways and Broken Yellow Lines will help ease congestion on Bush Road. Thank you for your support. We hope the new parking restrictions will greatly improve traffic flow.
- Concern about loss of parking for staff and customers. This stretch of Bush Road is an industrial area where most businesses have large car parks, providing adequate off-street parking for staff and customers. A parking occupancy survey undertaken on Bush Road, showed that there was low parking demand between 3pm to 7pm.
- Request for additional parking elsewhere. Proposed parking restrictions along the south side of Bush Road will remove about 14 parking spaces and the clearway will only operate for 4 hours of the day. There is adequate off-street parking at businesses as well as on-street parking on Bush Road and Beatrice Tinsley Crescent.
- Recommendation to extend the clearway along the entire stretch of Bush Road. Parking removal or changes are implemented only where necessary due to the high parking demand. If the current proposal does not sufficiently improve traffic, we may consider extending the clearway in the future.
- Recommendation for similar proposal on Rosedale Road. Parking on Rosedale Road is currently under review.
- Recommendation to change the T2 lane from only 3pm to 4pm as the congestion is believed to be caused by the T2 lanes operating in Albany highway from 3pm to 7pm. Reducing the hours would reduce the effectiveness of the clearway because peak hours are from 3pm to 7pm. Changes to the clearway on Albany Highway would not be possible due to proposed future bus services.
- Concern that the amount of people benefiting from this change would be slight, since most people turn left. Proposed parking changes will benefit the entire intersection. If the left lane queue is able to move through the intersection quicker, it will improve traffic queues for through and right turning vehicles.
- Suggests that most congestion is caused by many cars turning in different directions and another set of lights just around the corner. This proposal will address high traffic volumes during peak hour congestion.
- Concern that there is not enough space for two lanes even without parked vehicles. This proposal will allow vehicles to informally queue in 2 lanes during peak hour. Further road markings formalising the lane division will be investigated after the installation of the clearway.
Next steps
This work will happen between December 2019 and January 2020, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.
Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.