Ellice Road and Wairau Road, Glenfield - Intersection improvement Ellice Road and Wairau Road, Glenfield - Intersection improvement
Proposal status: Feedback closed 19 March 2020, last updated 21 March 2023.
Reference number: RSU1920-115
Proposal update
In March 2022, we advised that this project would go ahead with some design changes and anticipated that construction will start between June and July 2022.
Due to funding challenges, this project is now on hold until further notice. We apologise for any confusion or inconvenience this may cause.
Once funding for this project has been confirmed we will update the community on any changes to the Ellice Road and Wairau Road intersection.
Proposal update
This project is going ahead, but we are updating you about changes to the design and an update to the construction timeframe. In the original design we proposed to install stairs down to the existing footpath on the east corner of Ellice Road with Wairau Road, to improve pedestrian access to the intersection. However, during the detailed design investigation stage this has proven to be challenging to install. We are now proposing to replace the proposed stairs with the existing retaining wall on Wairau Road, and shift the wall closer to the property line of no.1. This will also include re-aligning the footpath, to ensure that pedestrians have clear and safe access to the intersection.
Next Steps
In August 2021, we advised you that these works were scheduled with a construction target of December 2021. This project now has a construction target of between June and July 2022. Our contractors will send notices to residents or businesses affected by works 48 hours before the work starts.
Proposal update
We advised you in November 2020 that these works are scheduled with a construction target of the 2021/2022 financial year. We are currently in the detailed design phase of the project process and have revised our construction estimate forward.
Next steps
This project now has a construction target of December 2021.
Proposal update
We advised you in April 2020 that these works were scheduled to be constructed between July 2020 and June 2021. Unfortunately, construction of this project will not happen during this financial year due to the impact of COVID-19. This project is dependent on the level of funding we receive from Auckland Council and this year’s funding has been reduced due to COVID-19. Planning and design will continue but currently many projects, including this project, cannot be delivered in the 2020/2021 financial year.
This project now has a construction target of 2021/22 financial year. We’ll write to you again next year with more detail about the commencement of works.
In March 2020, we proposed changes in your area
To improve safety for people walking, driving, and cycling through a high-risk intersection, we proposed to upgrade the intersection at Ellice Road and Wairau Road in Glenfield. Our proposal responded to an investigation which indicated this intersection was high-risk for serious incidents, with 11 crashes reported between 2013 and 2017, and three crashes reported in 2018. It includes installing new traffic signals at the intersection, new pedestrian crossings, footpaths, and broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) restrictions.
Changes proposed at Ellice Road and Wairau Road intersection
- Install new traffic signals on all three legs of the intersection to help prevent crashes between drivers turning into and out of Ellice Road and oncoming traffic.
- Install three new pedestrian crossings to make it safer for people to cross at the intersection and to improve access to the bus stops on Wairau Road.
- Paint 36 metres of broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) at the intersection of Wairau Road and Ellice Road. This provides a clear line of sight for vehicles turning into and out of Ellice Road and of the traffic signal crossing.
- Remove the median islands in the centre of the intersection Ellice Road and Wairau Road to help improve the flow of traffic.
- Install new footpaths at the intersection which will connect the existing footpaths together.
- Install stairs down to the existing footpath on the east corner of Ellice Road with Wairau Road, improving access to the intersection.
- Paint new road markings to support the intersection functions and improve intersection safety.
- Improve mobility access to the intersection with kerb ramps so that people, including those with wheels, can move between the footpath and the road easily and safely.
Changes proposed on Wairau Road
- Extend the broken yellow lines by 198 metres on Wairau Road. We aim to prevent parked cars blocking the flow of traffic through the intersection and provide a clear line of sight for vehicles turning into and out of Ellice Road.
- Extend the right turn lane into Ellice Road from Wairau Road for ease of turning onto Ellice Road from Wairau Road.
- Extend the footpaths on the east side of Wairau Road to connect the bus stops in front 349 and 288 Wairau Road. This will include broken yellow line parking restrictions around the existing bus stops. We aim to provide convenient and safe access to the intersection and the bus stop.
- Paint Advanced Stop Boxes (ASBs) which are green boxes painted with a bicycle symbol where people on bicycles can wait before the lights. ASBs improve road safety by making cyclists more visible to people in vehicles.
- Reconstruct two driveways to improve connection to Wairau Road. These changes will not infringe on property boundaries and affected properties will be contacted prior to works beginning.
- Paint new road markings to support intersection functions.
This proposal is funded by the Regional Fuel Tax.
Download the updated proposal drawing for Ellice Road and Wairau Road (PDF 1MB)
Proposal outcome
The proposal will proceed with some minor changes to detailed planning:
- Retain the existing flush median markings. However, this may change subject to Detailed Design and Road Safety Audit outcome.
- Provide two white lines on Wairau Road in front of the common vehicle entry way to the properties between #284 and #304 Wairau Road. The white lines are expected to operate similar to the requested ‘Keep Clear’ road markings.
Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.
Community feedback
Road safety
- Concern about safe access/exit to driveways along Wairau Road, especially those on the South-eastern side of Wairau Road who need to cross two lanes to turn right onto Wairau Road. We have reviewed the proposal and will maintain the existing arrangements of the right turn pocket and flush median. This means, the flush median will be retained as existing. However, this may change subject to Detailed Design and Road Safety Audit outcome.
- Concern about increased congestion on the road which would lead to blocked driveways or make the intersection unsafe. Thank you for your feedback. Ellice Road and Wairau Road intersection is a high-risk intersection prioritised for safety improvement due to the poor safety performance. Our investigation indicates that this intersection is performing worse than 90% of similar intersections. There was a total of 11 crashes reported at this intersection in the New Zealand Transport Agency Crash Analysis System from 2013 to 2017, with an additional 3 crashes in 2018 that were all related to turning movements into and out of Ellice Road. Of those, more than half of the crashes resulted in an injury crash. As this intersection has a high recorded number of crashes related to turning movements, the proposed signalisation is to control these movements so cars and trucks can turn safely.
We have undertaken a traffic modelling assessment to understand the impact of the proposal on the intersection and it is estimated that the intersection is likely performing at an acceptable level of service at stable flow. Please note once the signals are in place, we will monitor the operation of the signal phasing and undertake review as required to ensure the operation of this intersection is optimised and efficient for the network. - Concern about accidents from Girrahween Drive turning onto Ellice Road. Our preliminary desktop study indicates that Girrahween Drive and Ellice Road intersection is not a high-risk intersection. We request that people who are concerned about the safety here to provide further details on the accidents on AT’s website and it will be investigated further by the appropriate team.
- Concern that people run red lights and increase the danger to pedestrians using the new crossings and a request for a zebra crossing linking the two bus stops as children frequently cross here. We consider the suggested zebra crossing to be an inappropriate treatment as Wairau Road is an arterial route with over dimension and overweight functionality. Zebra crossing in this environment may not provide the safest option for crossing compared to a signal-controlled crossing that this proposal provides. We believe the proposed signal control crossing to be the safer solution.
- Request to look into speed calming measures such as speed bumps, narrowing lanes and traffic islands. Wairau Road is an arterial route with over dimension and overweight functionality. These roads serve the function of providing through movements to make a significant contribution to social and economic wellbeing, linking regionally significant places and industries. For these reasons, Wairau Road needs to retain at a reasonable width to accommodate and support the key function of over dimension and heavy weight load passage.
- Request for more information on the root cause of the accidents at the intersections and what investigations and assessments have been completed. We have undertaken an investigation to understand the root cause of the crashes at the intersection. The crash data recorded in the New Zealand Transport Agency Crash Analysis System indicates that all crashes happened at this intersection were related to vehicles turning into and out of Ellice Road. During the investigation stage, several options were explored such as:
- Restrict right turn in and right turn out movements at Ellice Road; or
- Multi-lane roundabout.
- These options did not progress either due to the site environment or existing site constraints. Based on the current traffic volume using this intersection, we consider the proposed signalisation is the most appropriate solution as it meets the warrant methodology. We have also undertaken a traffic modelling assessment to understand the impact of the proposal on the intersection and it is estimated that the intersection is likely performing at an acceptable level of service at stable flow. Please note once the signals are in place, we will monitor the operation of the signal phasing and undertake review as required to ensure the operation of this intersection is optimised and efficient for the network.
- Suggestion to add more broken yellow lines as most residents have driveways and do not use on street parking. We consider the proposed broken yellow lines to be appropriate and adequate for the proposed signalisation and have no plan to add more.
- Suggestion to investigate alternative solutions such as introducing a roundabout or slip lanes out of Ellice Road. Several alternatives were explored during the investigation stage and a roundabout was one of them. It did not progress due to site constraints as it is not feasible to provide a decent roundabout at this location without land acquisition and significant structural requirement like retaining. As for the suggested slip lanes out of Ellice Road, we are of the view that it will not address the safety issue identified (turning into and out of Ellice Road).
Property access
- Concern about removing the median strip as it is used for entrance/exit to properties. We have reviewed the proposal and will maintain the existing arrangements of the right turn pocket and flush median. I.e. the flush median will be retained as existing. Please note this may change subject to Detailed Design and Road Safety Audit outcome.
- Concern that the proposal will create a heavier flow of traffic to properties between 304-282 Wairau Road making it harder to exit/enter properties. We have undertaken a traffic modelling assessment to understand the impact of the proposal on the intersection and it is estimated that the intersection is likely performing at an acceptable level of service at stable flow.
Please note once the signals are in place, we will monitor the operation of the signal phasing and undertake review and optimise the signal phasing along Wairau Road as required to ensure the operation of this intersection and the corridor is optimised and efficient for the network. - Request to ensure that the gradient of reconstructed driveway entrances between Wairau Road do not change or is decreased as currently there is low clearance for vehicles exiting/entering the driveway. The shared entrances will be reconstructed like existing or similar to the existing driveway.
- Suggestion to add more broken yellow lines as most residents have driveways and do not use on street parking. We consider the proposed broken yellow lines to be appropriate and adequate for the proposed signalisation and have no plan to add on more.
- Requests for “Keep Clear” road markings spanning all lanes of Wairau Road to be added in front of a common vehicle entry way/layby of properties located between 284 and 304 Wairau Road. We can add similar markings to ‘keep clear’ on Wairau Road. For example; two white lines without the ‘keep clear’ pavement message markings.
Next steps
This work will happen between July 2020 and Jun 2021, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.
Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.