Flavell Dr & Grand Dr, Orewa - Intersection signalisation Flavell Dr & Grand Dr, Orewa - Intersection signalisation
Proposal status: closed 26 July 2018
Reference number: RTV-166
We're proposing changes in your area
We are proposing to signalise the intersection of Flavell Drive and Grand Drive, in Orewa. This would also involve:
- Addition of signalised pedestrian crossings across Grand Drive and Flavell Drive, including installation of pram crossings and tactile pavers.
- Removal of pedestrian refuge islands at the entrance to Flavell Drive and addition of an additional turn lane.
- Relocation of Bus Stop 4565 (currently opposite the east of the intersection ) to the west of the intersection.
- Installation of broken yellow lines directly around the intersection, including parking removal.
- Minor changes to road markings, signage, grass berms, and streetlights.
- Changes to and installation of new stormwater catch pits as required.
Download the proposal drawing for Flavell Drive & Grand Drive (PDF 1.4MB)
Why the changes are needed
Traffic congestion at this location frequently prevents vehicles from exiting Flavell Drive onto Grand Drive, particularly at peak hours. The proposed intersection changes will allow for a smoother flow of traffic on all legs of the intersection and will provide designated pedestrian crossing facilities, creating a safer environment for all road users.
The proposal also takes into consideration expected future growth and will help to accommodate for anticipated demand at this location.
Proposal outcome
This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning. A summary of the community feedback we received and answers to questions and concerns is below.
During the public feedback period, several respondents requested clarification over cycling facilities along Grand and Flavell Drives. Existing and proposed footpaths at this location have been designed wide enough and in a way that should allow designation as a shared path in the future, although at this stage we are unable to confirm when this designation will occur.
Crossing facilities over Grand Drive are designed to be 3 metres wide and will be able to accommodate both pedestrians and cyclists as needed. Both bicycle and pedestrian lights and push buttons will be installed at the crossing as part of this project, so there will be no need for cyclists to dismount in order to cross.
Feedback received
- Requests to introduce bus shelters as part of the proposal. At this stage, bus shelters cannot be incorporated into this proposal. We have passed your request along to be considered as part of the bus shelter programme in the future.
- Query as to whether bus frequency will be increased at this location in the near future. Bus frequency is generally increasing throughout the region as demand for public transport increases.
- Concerns that intersection signalisation will cause a bottleneck and contribute to traffic congestion. This project is a condition to the resource consent that was approved by Auckland Council for the adjacent subdivision. As part of this process, the developer has undertaken traffic modelling which demonstrated that the effects were no more than minor and signals would benefit the road network.
- Request to better monitor speeds along Grand Drive. We expect that the new traffic signals and footpaths will help to urbanise this section of Grand Drive which will reinforce the speed limit of 50kph.
- Request as to how much additional development should be expected in the area in the near future. For details on land zoning and development plans, please refer to Auckland Council's Unitary Plan.
- Request to synchronise the traffic lights with those at nearby intersections. Signals at this intersection will be linked with those at nearby intersections to optimise capacity, and will be continually monitored and adjusted.
- Concern over noise pollution at this location. Environmental impacts have been considered as part of the resource consenting process. We do not expect that the noise level will increase significantly as a result of the proposed changes, and believe that it will be comparable to that of nearby intersections.
- Requests for cycling infrastructure at this location. Existing and proposed footpaths along Grand and Flavell Drives have been designed wide enough and in a way that should allow designation as a shared path in the future, although at this stage we are unable to confirm when this designation will occur.
Crossing facilities over Grand Drive are designed to be 3 metres wide and will be able to accommodate both pedestrians and cyclists as needed. Both bicycle and pedestrian lights and push buttons will be installed at the crossing, so there will be no need for cyclists to dismount in order to cross. - Concerns over the source of project funding. The project is a condition to the resource consent that was approved by Auckland Council for the adjacent subdivision and as such will be funded by the developers.
- Query about the annual maintenance costs associated with intersection signalisation. Following construction, we will continue to monitor and maintain the proposed traffic signals. Maintenance costs are expected to be minor.
- Requests to instead install a roundabout at this location. As a roundabout at the intersection of Flavell and Grand Drives would need to be multi-lane, we do not believe that it would be a cost-effective solution to address current and anticipated demand. Roundabouts are also better suited at intersections where traffic flow is relatively even across all legs, which is not the case at this location.
- Request for AT to investigate opportunities for intersection upgrades along Whangaparoa Road, at the junctions with Karepiro Road and Stanmore Bay Road. This proposal focuses on signalisation of the intersection of Flavell and Grand Drives, in Orewa. These requests do not fall within the focus of this proposal, we have passed your concerns along to the relevant internal team for further investigation.
Next steps
This work will happen in before December 2018, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.
Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.