Killarney Street, Takapuna – Removing Broken Yellow Lines Killarney Street, Takapuna – Removing Broken Yellow Lines
Proposal status: Feedback closed 9 March 2020, last updated 20 April 2020.
Reference number: BYL-441
In February 2020, we proposed changes in your area
To improve parking availability, we proposed to remove a stretch of broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) parking restrictions outside 42 to 50 Killarney Street, Takapuna. Our proposal responded to requests from the community to investigate the need for parking restrictions at this location. As the fire station opposite these broken yellow lines is no longer in operation, the associated parking restrictions are now not required. This change was expected to provide 11 new on-street parking spaces.
Download the proposal drawing for Killarney Street (PDF 381KB)
Proposal outcome
We have listened to community feedback and have decided that this proposal will not proceed to the next stage of detailed planning. Most respondents felt that removing these broken yellow lines would narrow the road and increase congestion. The feedback from the community identified concern about vulnerable road users, such as cyclists. Auckland Transport is investigating this concern further.
Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of this feedback is below.
Feedback received
Road safety
We have received concerns about the road becoming narrow, congestion on the road, larger vehicles being able to pass on the street or about drivers being forced into the middle of the road, making the road unusable and concerns about exiting/entering driveways due to parked cars blocking or making manoeuvres too difficult or dangerous.
Parking availability for tradespeople or short-term stayers
There were concerns about spaces for pick up/drop off of large items, such as pianos.
New developments affecting the parking situation
We have received concerns that the new building construction will increase congestion on the road and removing these parking spaces would make matters worse and there were some concerns that the increase in residential developments would strain the on-road parking.
Vulnerable road users
There were concerns for the safety of cyclists because the road is too narrow due to parked cars and worries that this will also cause cars to use the median flush to pass cyclists. We have also received concerns about lack of visibility for vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians, school children, the elderly, and mobility scooter users.