Library Lane, Albany – Parking changes Library Lane, Albany – Parking changes
Proposal status: Updated 19 November 2020
Reference number: RTV-320
Proposal outcome
To improve parking and accessibility, we proposed to install P-120 Parking and relocate the existing mobility parking space on Library Lane, Albany.
The changes proposed
- Install P120 Parking from 8am to 6pm Monday to Sunday.
- Relocate the existing Mobility Parking to a space with better accessibility.
Implementing P-120 Parking should improve parking turnover and create a better balance between short-term and long-term parking in Library Lane. The relocation of the Mobility Parking Space will make it easier for those with accessibility issues.
This proposal will proceed with minor changes to the next stage of detailed design before being implemented.
We have listened to your concerns and have now decided to implement the P120 parking restrictions from Monday to Friday, between 8am to 6pm. We will also install a short section of broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) between number 38 and number 40 to prevent vehicles blocking access. This will not remove any legal parking spaces.
Download the updated drawing for Library Lane (PDF 253KB)
What happens next
These works are planned to be implemented by February 2021, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays. Our contractors will send notices to affected residents prior to construction starting.
Community feedback
Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.
- Residents happy for the parking to be implemented Monday to Friday however not extended to weekends to allow flexibility. Having reviewed the feedback received, we have decided to amend our proposed changes to implement P120 parking on Monday to Friday only from 8am to 6pm. At this stage, weekends will not be included in the proposed changes.
- Concerns that the proposed changes will make it harder for people who work in the area to find parking spaces. The aim of the proposed changes is to create good balance between restricted and unrestricted parking. Long term parking options will still be available for residents or staff working in the area, however the P120 restrictions will mostly benefit short term stayers such visitors.
- Suggestions to install a reserved mobility space for patients outside the medical centre. The proposed location for the mobility space provides the best access to mobility users. It is approximately 50 metres away from the medical centre. AT has checked the option to provide a mobility access outside the medical centre, however it would require civil construction to provide a ramp and also an access way through the grass berm. We feel that the proposed location is close enough to the medical centre and the other commercial bays.
- Concerns that the proposed changes will increase congestion on the road. As part of the proposed changes, we expect that by managing demand there will be less cars circulating around looking for parking.
- Concerns that P120 parking will not work for patients who have to spend longer at appointments at the medical centre. The proposed P120 parking will cater for the majority of the short-term customers' requirements. However, there is still the additional unrestricted angle parking (in Library Lane opposite the apartments) for those customers needing additional time.
- Residents believe there are not enough businesses in Library Lane to propose these restrictions. AT has received a number of customer complaints stating high occupancy in this area with requests for us to look into parking options. By opening more spaces for short parking, it should create a better balance for existing and future businesses operating in this area.
- Concerns for residents of Library Lane who have more than one car per household and don't have access to the existing parking supplied. It is the responsibility of the residents to ensure they have enough parking to meet their parking needs. Residents must not rely on the on-street parking as on-street parking is not always guaranteed.
- Concerns raised that the proposed mobility space will be too far for those with mobility issues to walk. The proposed mobility parking bay is approximately 50 meters away from the medical centre and it also offers a better accessibility ramp for customers who require one.
- Concerns that the proposed mobility space will mean there is no safe place for trucks and couriers to unload safely in a busy residential area. As part of this proposal, we are aiming to improve vehicle turnover and occupancy. P120 restrictions will have a positive impact for couriers to unload safely as more parking spaces will be available to use.
- Concerns that emergency service vehicles will not have safe or easy access if the existing loading bay is removed. We don’t feel that a designated space for loading and unloading will be required as it will not be utilised enough to be justified. We're expecting that the parking availability will improve and more spaces will be opened for customers having to load or unload in a safe manner. It’s very likely that the occupancy in Library Lane will decrease significantly, therefore it will be beneficial for short term parkers such as the emergency services.
- Suggestion to remove the existing tree in between the mobility spaces in favour of a ramp for easy access. As the proposed new location for mobility parking space has got an accessibility ramp, we will not need to remove any trees.
- Request for AT to block the road off heading north onto the Dairy Flat Highway, except for emergency vehicles, to prevent congestion particularly with more apartments due to be built. The benefits of blocking Dairy Flat Highway need to be weighed against the considerable consenting, capital and operational costs that would incur. This can sometimes result in the need for major engineering works on roads leading into the village and traffic calming measures inside this busy area. A large cul de sac would need to be constructed on Library Lane to enable trucks to turn around. Additionally, a considerable amount of parking spaces would be lost as well. Therefore, blocking off the end of Library Lane to improve the traffic congestion issues is not something AT can consider at this stage.
- Request for the angle parking on the other side of the road adjacent to the tennis courts to remain as it is due to it being the only parking option for visitors. AT is not proposing any changes to the angled parking on the tennis court side. We expect that the proposed changes will help to improve the overall situation for visitors.
- Request for broken yellow lines to be installed in front of the car yard gate to prevent people from blocking this area. After reviewing feedback, we will install a short section (approximately 5m long) of broken yellow lines between number 38 and number 40 to prevent vehicles from blocking this access.
Albany: Safe with us
Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Library Lane are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).