Marae Road, Greenhithe - Broken yellow lines Marae Road, Greenhithe - Broken yellow lines
Proposal status: closed 10 October 2018
Reference number: BYL-331
We're proposing changes in your area
We are proposing to install broken yellow lines at the cul-de-sac of Marae Road.
Download the proposal drawing for Marae Road, Greenhithe (PDF 349KB)
Why the changes are needed
Marae Road is a narrow road, of approximately 5.8m width and when cars are parked at the cul-de-sac, rubbish trucks have difficulties to turn around safely. Therefore, we are proposing road markings as an alternative to improve the issue at the cul-de-sac.
Proposal outcome
This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning. A summary of the community feedback we received and answers to questions and concerns is below.
Feedback received
- Respondent commented parking is already limited at this end of Marae Road, broken yellow lines will put even more pressure on parking. The proposed parking restrictions on Marae Road was designed to remove parking only where safety is a major issue. According to the plan, only two parking spaces should be removed.
- Respondent requested to allow one car to park on the top of the footpath into the reserve. Auckland Transport does not have permission to apply parking restrictions at the reserve, which is owned by Auckland Council.
- Respondent asked if the Broken yellow lines could be extended further up the road as cars park on the grass verge and create tyre tracks in the wet muddy grass which divert the rain water from the road down the tyre tracks and down the bank and causes floods. For issues in regards to parked cars in the muddy grass, this practice is considered illegal. Please contact us for enforcement on 09 355 3553 if you encounter any cars infringing.
- Respondent asked could AT can reconsider assisting on with the road repairs. Road repairs are not part of this proposal. However, residents will be informed when the maintenance will occur on Marae Road.
Next steps
This work will happen in between April-May 2019, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.
Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.