McDowell Crescent, Hillcrest – Broken Yellow Lines McDowell Crescent, Hillcrest – Broken Yellow Lines
Proposal status: Last updated 23 March 2021
Reference number: BYL-491
Proposal outcome
In January 2021, we proposed changes to encourage safer driver speeds by relocating the broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) to the opposite side of the street on McDowell Crescent in Hillcrest. After reviewing all the feedback, we have decided not to proceed with the proposed works. Residents identified concerns with safety, speeding, the loss of parking and an increase in the potential risk to drivers and pedestrians.
Community feedback
Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge.
The majority of feedback we received objected the proposed relocation of broken yellow lines on McDowell Crescent. The community raised multiple concerns that the proposal would be more dangerous than the current layout. This is because moving parking to the other side of the street would encourage faster driver speeds travelling downhill on McDowell Crescent and would increase the likelihood of accidents. Currently drivers at the top of the hill are forced to slow down due to parked vehicles and give way to vehicles coming up the hill. Many respondents raised concerns as this proposal would force vehicles going uphill to give way to downhill travelling vehicles and as this is a steep hill priority should be given to uphill vehicles.
A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.
- Suggestion to install broken yellow line parking restrictions on both sides of the bend in the road or both sides of the entire hill.
Removing parking on both sides of the bend will likely increase speed, making the bend more difficult to manoeuvre for drivers. - Suggestions to install speed bumps or speed humps instead.
These options will be investigated as part of an area-wide speed calming study. More information about the Residential Speed Management programme can be found here. - Many concerns as there is bad sunstrike in the afternoons. Concern that drivers going uphill will have reduced visibility with the afternoon sunstrike and be forced into oncoming traffic downhill traffic.
Thank you for providing your concerns. This proposal will not be proceeding. - Request to have broken yellow lines on both sides of the road as it is too narrow. Mentions that it is very dangerous with large vehicles and for residents exiting their driveways.
Removing parking on both sides of the street will likely lead to increased driver speeds as parking on at least one side gives the impression of a narrower road, leading to lower speeds and more driver care overall. It is believed removing parking altogether would make it more difficult for large vehicles to navigate the street and for residents to exit driveways as cars are more likely to travel at higher speeds down a street with no parking.
We're proposing improvements in your area
Aucklanders have told us that moving around our city safely and easily is important to them. We are proposing some improvements to your area.
We would like to encourage safer driver speeds by relocating the broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) to the opposite side of the street on McDowell Crescent in Hillcrest.
The changes we are proposing:
- Remove the existing broken yellow lines outside 5 to 23 McDowell Crescent and paint new broken yellow lines on the opposite side of the street, outside 6 to 22 McDowell Crescent. This will remove approximately 13 on-street parking spaces and create approximately 12 new on-street parking spaces resulting in a net loss of 1 on-street parking space.
Auckland Transport would like to work with you to deliver safer roads in your neighbourhood. Residents have asked us to address the issue of drivers speeding, which create safety issues on this residential street. The proposed changes will stagger the on-street parking on McDowell Crescent, creating the effect of a narrower road and encourage drivers to reduce speeds.
Download the proposal drawing for McDowell Crescent (PDF 467KB)
Hillcrest: Safe with us
Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around McDowell Crescent, are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).