Ramp Road, Rosedale – Pedestrian improvements Ramp Road, Rosedale – Pedestrian improvements

Proposal status: last updated 28 April 2021

Reference number: MIP1819-002

Proposal update

In August 2018, we advised you we would construct the pedestrian improvements by June 2019. Funding has now been secured for this project and construction is now planned to start mid-June 2021.

We will be:

  • Extending the footpath at both corners of the T-intersection and relocating the existing “give way” sign to the new southwest corner.
  • Installing a pedestrian refuge island on Ramp Road to give pedestrians a safe place to wait and look for cars when crossing the road.
  • Installing pram crossings, which are short ramps which allow prams, trolleys, and wheelchairs to transition smoothly from the footpath to the road, on both sides of Ramp Road.
  • Installing tactile pavers, which are yellow guidance paving markers to help visually impaired people to find their way to the crossing and safely cross the road, on the footpath ramps and at the pedestrian refuge island.
  • Paint broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) at the corners of the intersection to ensure the corners are clear of parked cars and can provide good visibility to drivers and pedestrians.

Next steps

Contractors will issue 48-hour notices to all affected residents prior to construction work. 

We're proposing changes in your area

We are proposing to improve the intersection of Ramp Road and Parkway Drive, Rosedale. The changes include building-out the kerb, installing a pram crossing and pedestrian refuge island, as well as extending broken yellow lines (No Stopping At All Times restrictions).

Download the proposal drawing for Ramp Road (PDF 2.3MB) 

Why the changes are needed

The intersection experiences high volumes of pedestrian and vehicle traffic, these changes will improve the safety of pedestrians crossing Ramp Road.

Proposal outcome

This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning.

Feedback received

A summary of the community feedback we received and answers to questions and concerns:

  • Concern that building-out the kerb will severely restrict the movement of vehicles both in and out of Ramp Road, and restrict cars from turning left out of Ramp Road if a truck or bus is waiting to turn right onto Parkway drive. The proposed carriageway width is 5.5 metres, which will still allow two lanes to exit Ramp Road onto Parkway Drive. Vehicle tracking for the project has shown that speeds of vehicles turning into Ramp Road will slow, but will not prevent the movement from happening.
  • Request to install a roundabout at the intersection of Ramp Road and Parkway Drive; the proposed changes to the T intersection will negatively affect traffic flow on Ramp Road. The proposal retains much of the existing intersection figuration with two exit lanes onto Parkway Drive. The difference is predominantly tightening up the intersection and providing reduced crossing distances for pedestrians.
  • Request to install a roundabout at the intersection of Ramp Road and Sunset Road to improve road safety at the intersection. While this request does not fall within the scope of this proposal, we have passed your concerns onto the relevant AT team for further investigation.