Treetops Way, Bayview – Broken Yellow Lines Treetops Way, Bayview – Broken Yellow Lines
Proposal status: Feedback closed 30 March 2021. Last updated 2 July 2021
Reference number: BYL-494
Proposal update
In March 2021, we invited community feedback on our proposal to improve road safety and access on Treetops Way in Bayview by installing broken yellow lines, and in May 2021 we announced that the proposal would proceed as designed.
This project is still going ahead, but we have made a change to the design that has been requested by the community.
Changes to the design
Following the proposal outcome, we heard concerns from some residents about the plans for broken yellow lines along the hill after the bend on Treetops Way. The original proposal planned for broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times lines) on alternating sides the length of Treetops Way. After reassessing the visibility and manoeuvrability around the sharp bends and hill on the road, we have changed the design to add broken yellow lines on both sides of Treetops Way along the hill section. This change will help keep this narrow road clear and accessible and reduce the likelihood of accidents around the blind corners.
Next steps
This project now has a construction target of August 2021.
Proposal outcome
In March 2021, we proposed changes to on-street parking on Treetops Way in Bayview to improve safety and accessibility. After reviewing all the feedback, we are proceeding with the work as proposed. These works will help support our Vision Zero goal.
What happens next
We anticipate the broken yellow lines will be installed in early July 2021. We will be in touch with residents prior to any construction taking place.
Community feedback
Thank you for providing your insight and helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood. A summary of your queries and suggestions, and our responses to community questions is below.
Broken yellow lines
- Suggestion that on-street parking is removed from Treetops Way and on-street parking is only allowed on Glendhu Road.
On-street parking is an important public asset and requires careful consideration when proposing any changes. The broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times lines) on Treetops Way were proposed to ensure that vehicles don’t park opposite each other and block access for residents and emergency services. We can achieve this with the proposed broken yellow lines. Adding additional broken yellow lines would result in loss of parking that isn’t necessary and would likely not be supported by majority of the residents. - Concerns that the broken yellow lines will force drivers to park on the north side of Treetops Way outside of 9 & 13 Treetops Way which will prevent vehicle access to these properties, and some suggestions that the broken yellow lines should be painted on the opposite side of the road.
Adding broken yellow lines on this stretch of Treetops Way is considered the best option because it would provide enough space on the road while allowing maximum on-street parking. There are no driveways on the opposite side, therefore more parking can be accommodated. Parking within one metre of a driveway is illegal and this is clearly outlined in the NZ Road Code. If a vehicle is parked within one metre of your driveway and blocking your access, please call parking enforcement on 09 355 3553 with vehicle details and enforcement shall be organised. - Multiple suggestions that broken yellow lines should be painted both sides of the road on the northside of Treetops Way after the bend, and a suggestion that broken yellow lines are added along the north side of Treetops Way from the bend to the rubbish bin recess at the crest of the hill.
We believe that current proposal will provide enough space on the road. Adding additional broken yellow lines would mean the neighbourhood loses on-street parking unnecessarily. We need to balance the parking needs of residents and visitors whilst maintaining reasonable access to our roads. - Suggestion that some parking should be available on Treetops Way between the bend in the street and the Hazel Glen intersection.
We understand that there will be a significant loss of on-street parking on Treetops Way, however these broken yellow lines have been proposed so that residents and emergency services can easily access the properties in your neighbourhood. - Concern there is insufficient parking on Treetops Way and that the broken yellow lines do not need to extend past 14 Treetops Way.
This proposal was designed as residents had raised concerns about parked cars blocking the street. We need to balance the parking needs of residents and visitors whilst maintaining reasonable access to our roads. The broken yellow lines proposed are the minimum parking restrictions that meet these criteria.
Access & safety
- Concerns that Treetops Way is too narrow for street parking and could be inaccessible to emergency vehicles when cars are parked along one side.
We consider painting broken yellow lines on both sides of the road as an option when the road is less than 5m wide. Treetops Way is approximately 6m wide, so we can retain parking on one side while maintaining access for residents and emergency vehicles. - Suggestion to install a safety mirror at the corner of Treetops Way and Glendhu Road intersection.
We do appreciate your concern however Auckland Transport no longer installs convex mirrors. The reason for this is that while convex mirrors may be useful in a limited number of locations, we have found them generally ineffective and sometimes unsafe. The mirror can give a false sense of distance and speed of an oncoming vehicle. In the past, drivers have misinterpreted what they see in the convex mirror which has put them and other road users at risk. Convex mirrors have also been subject to damage and vandalism and can be costly to install and maintain. - Concern the number of cars on the road restricts resident access and drivers’ visibility, which could cause a crash.
We share your concerns, which is why we have proposed these parking restrictions. We believe the current proposal will ensure that the road is accessible for residents and emergency services and will create a slower speed environment.
Parking behaviour
- Concern the broken yellow lines will push drivers to park on Hazel Glen, which is also a narrow road with limited parking.
In the early stages of this proposal, some broken yellow lines on Hazel Glen were considered to ensure that the access problem doesn’t shift onto Hazel Glen but because it is a private road we cannot propose any parking restrictions for the road. - Concern that residents of Hazel Glen may park on Treetops Way, and a request for a way to prevent non-resident parking.
On-street parking on Treetops Way, as elsewhere in Auckland, is a public asset and operates on a first-come,-first-served basis. We cannot prevent parking by any specific people. - In anticipation of parking being displaced onto Glendhu Road, suggestion that speed bumps are installed and that the speed limit is reduced from 50 km/h to 30 km/h on Glendhu Road.
We are currently working to a plan to reduce speeds on Auckland’s roads. This plan targets the highest priority areas based on the level of safety risk measured for each road on our network. The initial roll out of speed reduction is focused on approximately 10 per cent of our road network, including residential areas. While we do appreciate your concerns, Glendhu Road has not been identified in the first group of areas within our Residential Speed Management programme as other areas in the region are experiencing higher speeds and safety risk. We have added your comments to our database to indicate support for safer speeds in your residential area. More information, including the residential areas that will be prioritised for further investigation, can be viewed here. - Suggestion that broken yellow lines are painted at the start of Hazel Glen to prevent someone blocking access to Hazel Glen, or that a “Residents Only Parking” sign is installed.
Hazel Glen is a private road and therefore Auckland Transport cannot propose or install anything on Hazel Glen.
We're proposing improvements in your area
Aucklanders have told us that moving around our city safely and easily is important to them. We are proposing some improvements to your area.
Residents have asked us to address the issue of cars parking on both sides of this narrow street which block access to the road. We are proposing to paint broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) on Treetops Way and are asking for your views.
The changes we are proposing:
- Paint broken yellow lines along Treetops Way, Bayview. This will remove approximately 26 on-street parking spaces.
Treetops Way is a narrow street which residents and large vehicles have difficulty accessing due to parked cars on both sides. We consider a street to be narrow if the road is less than 6.8 metres wide. At a minimum, this width allows two metres worth of parking on each side of the road while retaining a 2.8 metre through lane, which emergency services have confirmed is the minimum space required for their vehicles to have access. The addition of broken yellow lines will improve access for all vehicles. To reduce the impact of parking loss for residents, we have proposed broken yellow lines on alternate sides of the street. We understand parking removal can be inconvenient and have minimised the number of parking spaces removed while also providing clear access.
Download the proposal drawing for Treetops Way (PDF 229KB)
If you would like to post in your feedback, download and print our feedback form template, fill in your details and send it freepost using the address details on the form.
What happens next
- We’ll listen to all the feedback we receive, and then decide the best way to move forward.
- We’ll post the outcome of this proposal and a summary of community feedback on this webpage.
- We can email you the proposal outcome as soon as it’s ready – just select that option when you fill in the survey.
Bayview: Safe with us
Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Treetops Way are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).