Waipa Street, Birkenhead – No stopping at all times Waipa Street, Birkenhead – No stopping at all times
Proposal status: closed 28 September 2018
Reference number: BYL-192
We're proposing changes in your area
We are proposing 'No stopping at all times' parking restrictions on Waipa Street near the intersection with Verran Road in Birkenhead.
Download the proposal drawing for Waipa Street (PDF 193KB)
Why the changes are needed
This is expected to improve driver safety and visibility along Waipa Street. Cars parked along this stretch of Waipa Street are forcing drivers to cross the centre line into on-coming traffic. The proposed parking restrictions also aim to improve driver visibility approaching the corner with Verran Road.
Proposal outcome
This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning. A summary of the community feedback we received and answers to questions and concerns is below.
Feedback received
- Residents suggested that parking issues were a result of a large number of commercial trade vehicles that were using the street parking whilst working on the retirement home opposite. The construction has now largely finished and therefore the parked traffic on Waipa Street has now diminished dramatically. We agree that currently majority of the on-street parking at this location is occupied by the commercial trade vehicles. However, once the construction of the retirement village completes, these spaces will be occupied by residents and commuters. The visibility and accessibility at this location will still be an issue. This stretch of Waipa Street has frequent buses and is close to a busy intersection. Therefore, the proposed parking restrictions are required to improve safety in the area.
- Residents suggested that not enough parking on Waipa Street for residents and visitors with more Broken yellow lines. We understand that on-street parking can be an asset to households with limited parking spaces within their property. We have taken this into consideration and kept as much on-street parking spaces as possible. This is a busy stretch of road with a number of crashes and near misses due to poor accessibility and visibility caused by the parked cars. The proposed parking restrictions are needed to address these issues and to improve safety in the area.
- Residents suggested No stopping lines should be on both sides of the road and continued further down Waipa Street. We understand that on-street parking is a great asset to households with limited parking spaces within their property. We have taken this into consideration and kept as much on-street parking spaces as possible. The proposed extent of parking restrictions are adequate to improve accessibility and visibility.
- Residents suggested the No stopping lines extend too far down the east side of Waipa Street. Also it was suggested proposed yellow lines to start at the corner of Verran Road as indicated, and stop at the water tank. The bus drivers have raised concerns regarding the parked cars along the eastern side of Waipa Street which results in the buses having to cross the centre line when passing through. This increases the chances of head on collisions. Therefore, the parking has to be removed from the eastern side.
Next steps
This work will happen before the end of March 2019, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.
Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.