Beachlands Rd and Whitford-Maraetai Rd, Beachlands - Pedestrian and cycling improvements Beachlands Rd and Whitford-Maraetai Rd, Beachlands - Pedestrian and cycling improvements

Consultation status: closed 31 May 2018

Proposal reference: RTV-137

We are proposing to construct a shared cycling and pedestrian path on the northern and eastern sides of the roundabout that will mirror existing facilities on the western and southern sides which will include:

  • Installation of cycle ramps that will link the new shared path to existing cycle lanes.
  • Improvements to pedestrian crossing points, including the addition of pram crossings and tactile pavers, and minor widening of the refuge island cut-throughs.
  • Construction of new side islands and kerb build-outs to better protect pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Installation of flexi-bollards and green surfacing of cycle lanes leading up to the roundabout.
  • Changes to road markings and signage.

Download the consultation drawing for Beachlands & Whitford-Maraetai Roads (PDF 1.1MB)

Why the changes are needed

The Beachlands community is undergoing significant growth that requires improved pedestrian and cycling facilities. Shared cycling and pedestrian paths have already been installed on the western and southern sides of the intersection of Beachlands Road and Whitford-Maraetai Road.

This proposal will complete the shared path on the northern and eastern sides of the roundabout in order to reduce safety risks to vulnerable road users.

Proposal outcome

This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning. A summary of community feedback received and answers to questions and concerns is below.

Feedback received

  • Concerns that the proposed changes will encroach on already limited lane space, making it difficult for large vehicles to navigate through the roundabout. During design investigation, modelling was undertaken to ensure that navigability of the roundabout for over-sized vehicles is not impeded by the proposed changes.
  • Request to reduce the size of the existing side island on the western edge of the roundabout to better accommodate traffic entering from the northern leg of Whitford-Maraetai Road The traffic islands aim to guide vehicles and encourage lower and safer traffic speeds entering the roundabout.
  • Concern that the changes may limit or obstruct visibility of quarry entrance signage. We do not expect that the proposed changes will significantly impact the operation of the roundabout. The goal of the proposal is primarily to improve pedestrian and cyclist connections at this location.
  • Concern that the changes will result in drivers accidentally entering the quarry driveway. We do not expect that the proposed changes will significantly impact the operation of the roundabout. The goal of the proposal is primarily to improve pedestrian and cyclist connections at this location.
  • Request to install formalised zebra crossings and/or raised speed tables at the pedestrian crossing points. We do not recommend installation of formal zebra crossings at locations that are under-utilised by pedestrians. Doing so at these locations would cause drivers to become accustomed to low pedestrian volumes at zebra crossings, which would likely encourage a lack of driver awareness on approach to the intersection. This request will be re-investigated at a future date when additional development allows for increased pedestrian traffic.
  • Request to improve lighting at this location, particularly at crossing points. Lighting design has been undertaken and will be upgraded as part of this project according to the latest standards, ensuring that the proposed pedestrian and cycling improvements are well lit.
  • Request to extend the proposed shared path westward along Beachlands Road. This cannot be considered as part of this project, it can be reviewed at a later stage following this proposals implementation.
  • Concern that the changes will prompt increased cyclist and pedestrian demand at this location, which could result in a spike in conflicts with vehicles. Based on the rates of development in the area, we are expecting that cyclist and pedestrian demand will continue to increase. The proposal will help accommodate for existing demand and anticipated future demand at this location, making local roads safer for all types of road users.
  • Suggestion that a pedestrian crossing on the northern Whitford-Maraetai leg would not be frequently used and is therefore unnecessary. Installation of crossing facilities at this location aims to provide consistent treatment for pedestrian and cyclist linkage at the roundabout. We expect that demand may also change depending on rates of development in the area.
  • Request to increase the size of the roundabout and convert to dual lane. At this time, we do not believe these changes are required based on existing demand. However, this may be re-considered at a future date after further growth and development.
  • Request to address queuing issues on the northern leg of Whitford-Maraetai Road by installing an additional through lane on the western side of the roundabout. At this time, we do not believe these changes are required based on existing demand. However, this may be re-considered at a future date after further growth and development.
  • Concerns that regular traffic flow from Beachlands Road often prevents vehicles from the northern leg of Whitford-Maraetai Road from entering the roundabout. This proposal focuses on improving walking and cycling facilities at the intersection of Beachlands and Whitford-Maraetai Roads. While this request does not fall within the focus of this proposal, we have passed your concerns along to the relevant internal team for further investigation.

Next steps

This work will happen in prior to July 2019, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.

Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.