Grammar School Road, Pakuranga - Parking restrictions Grammar School Road, Pakuranga - Parking restrictions
Proposal status: Feedback closed 12 February 2021. Last updated 9 August 2021.
Reference number: RTV-335
Proposal update: changes to the design
In the final review of the design, it has been identified that broken yellow lines are required on the north-western kerbs of each of the three cul-de-sacs, near the driveways for no. 7, no. 19 and no. 29, Grammar School Road. As parking on both sides cannot happen on these narrow cul-de-sacs which are 5.1m wide, broken yellow lines are necessary for emergency vehicles to be able to access the properties on these cul-de-sacs. This is a health and safety issue which must be addressed. These broken yellow lines will prohibit parking at these locations, improving access specifically for emergency vehicles and will also ensure that the expected outcome from the P120 time restriction is achieved.
Download the updated drawing (PDF 324MB)
What happens next
These changes are expected to be implemented in August-September 2021.
Proposal outcome
In January 2021, we proposed to introduce P120 (two hour parking restrictions) on the north side of Grammar School Road.
After reviewing the feedback, we are proceeding with the following minor changes:
- P120 will apply to two sections out of three sections originally proposed and will also apply to three cul-de-sac ends of Grammar School road based on resident’s feedback as shown in the updated drawing plan.
These works will help support our Vision Zero goal.
Download the updated drawing (PDF 359KB)
Community feedback
Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.
P120 parking restrictions
- Request for P120 signs to be put into the three cul-de-sacs off Grammar School which are continually blocked by school parking.
We have listened to community feedback and have amended the proposal to include this request. - Request for P120 parking restriction on both sides of the road, as there will still be school students parking all day and blocking the road.
In line with AT Parking Strategy, unfortunately we will not be proposing it on both the sides. These restrictions ensure that balance can be created between parking needs of residents, long term parkers and visitors. - Request for broken yellow lines or P120 in surrounding streets as school students also park outside houses.
We have listened to community feedback and have amended the proposal to include P120 on the side lanes. If a vehicle entrance is obstructed, we request you to contact AT when it is happening as blocking a vehicle entrance or parking within 1m of the entrance is an offence and can be enforced immediately.
Broken yellow lines
- Concerns broken yellow lines are unnecessary, as people are unlikely to park on the corners where the broken yellow lines are proposed, especially if there are signs indicating P120 zones.
During AT’s site investigations vehicles were seen parking close to the intersection and hence we feel that it is required.
Other feedback
- Concern that St Kentigern College’s closure of their school car parking facilities have caused an increase in congestion on the street.
AT cannot comment on private parking resources in the area and their usage. It is completely up to the institution or property owner on how they want to use their parking. - Recommendation to ask the college to provide sufficient off-street parking for their pupils due to parked cars. There ‘have been occasions when we have had to phone the school because cars have been parked on both sides of the cul-de sac and prevented access to our properties’.
AT cannot comment on private parking resources in the area and its usage. It is completely up to the institution or property owner on how they want to use their parking. - Request for AT to mark the legal parking (1m parking lines) on both sides of the drive ways of #2, 4 and 6.
AT marks advisory limit lines (hockey sticks) outside driveways on case by case basis where blocking of vehicle entrance has been evidenced regularly such as issuance of infringements in the past 6 months or may be in 1 year. In this case we can only see 2 infringements issued outside no. 4 Grammar School Road and hence will install these road markings outside no. 4, as part of this project.
We're proposing improvements in your area
Aucklanders have told us that moving around our city safely and easily is important to them. We are proposing some improvements to your area.
We are looking to improve parking availability and access to properties, so we propose P120 (two hour) parking restrictions and broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) on Grammar School Road, Pakuranga.
The changes we are proposing:
- Introduce P120 parking restrictions from Monday to Friday, 8am-6pm, ‘School days only’, on one side of Grammar School Road.
- Paint broken yellow lines on Grammar School Road, removing 3 on-street parking spaces.
- Install “No stopping off roadway” signs to prevent people from illegally parking on the grass berm next to the road.
Auckland Transport would like to work with you to deliver safer roads in your neighbourhood. These changes aim to address the issue of parked cars obstructing access to the street and properties. Painting broken yellow lines will prevent people from parking too close to the intersection, and P120 parking restrictions help improve parking turnover and short-term availability of parking for residents and visitors to the area. If residents notice illegal parking on the grass berm, we can address this by installing “No stopping off roadway” restriction signs which will remind people not to park here.
Download the proposal drawing for Grammar School Road (PDF 336KB).
What happens next
- We’ll listen to all the feedback we receive, and then decide the best way to move forward.
- We’ll post the outcome of this proposal and a summary of community feedback on this webpage.
- We can email you the proposal outcome as soon as it’s ready – just select that option when you fill in the survey.
Pakuranga: Safe with us
Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Grammar School Road are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).