Hill Road and Claude Road, Manurewa – Intersection improvements Hill Road and Claude Road, Manurewa – Intersection improvements

Proposal status: Closed

Reference number: RSU1920-125

Proposal update

Construction for this project is scheduled to start by the end of September 2022. Our contractors will send notices to residents affected by works 48 hours before construction starts. 

Download updated proposal drawing. (PDF 606KB)

Proposal outcome

In March 2022, we proposed safety improvements for the Hill Road and Claude Road intersection in Manurewa. These changes aim to reduce crashes at the intersection by providing traffic lights to control the flow of traffic, especially for drivers turning onto Hill or Claude Road. After reviewing all the feedback, we are proceeding with the work as proposed. These works will help support our Vision Zero goal.

What happens next

We anticipate the changes will likely be constructed in the first half of next year, before June 2023. We will be in touch with nearby residents prior to any construction taking place.

Community feedback

Thank you for adding your voice to this proposal. Your local knowledge has helped us make this decision for your neighbourhood. The majority of residents told us they supported the proposed changes, telling us that the proposal would improve the intersection by reducing accidents and drivers’ speeds. We heard a number of suggestions from the community about the proposal and opportunities for improvements nearby.

The following is a summary of the comments and queries we received, and our responses to them. 

Intersection changes

  • Suggestion that a roundabout would be a better option than the traffic lights to reduce driver's speeds.
    During the initial investigation phase of this project we found that there was insufficient space at this intersection to construct an urban roundabout that is big enough to meet the road safety standards.
  • Suggestion that restricting vehicle weights on Hill Road would reduce the amount of traffic through the intersection.
    Hill Road is a secondary arterial road that provides access to the motorway, which means it is an important route for transporting goods. Because of the important role of Hill Road, we are not planning to place any weight restrictions on this route.
  • Suggestion to cut the western Claude-Hill Road corner back approximately 600mm as the corner is too sharp for long vehicles to manoeuvre without encroaching on the right turn lane on Claude Road.
    In the next phase of the project, the detailed design phase, we will be reviewing the turning tracking for all vehicles. We will ensure the tracking is checked for all vehicle types including trucks and cars with trailers for this left turn onto Hill Road.

Lane changes

  • Suggestion that Nathan Homestead does not need an entry or a turn lane off the intersection.
  • Suggestion to remove the turn lane into David Nathan Park and add cycle lanes instead.
    We understand this demand is driven by events at Nathan Homestead. The traffic survey count data and engagement with Manurewa Local Board showed us that there is demand for this turning movement. If we did not provide this turning lane, it would likely result in dangerous turns when there are events at Nathan Homestead.

    Currently AT does not have plans to install cycle lanes along Hill Road. The strategic cycle route in the area is along Alfriston Road. Where possible we would encourage cyclists to use Alfriston Road rather than Hill Road as a commuting route as it is safer with clear lines of sight and dedicated cycling facilities.
  • Suggestion that road markings and traffic signals should allow drivers from Claude Road and drivers making left turns to turn into Nathan Homestead.
    Thank you, this will be added in the detail design phase, the next stage of the project.
  • Query if there will be a right turn arrow from Hill Road into Nathan Homestead.
    Yes, there will be a painted right turn arrow in the right turn lane.
  • Concern that the median on the east side of the intersection is needed on the busy road for residents to access their driveways.
    We recognise this may cause some changes to individual travel routes. We have evidence that there is demand for the right turning bay for Nathan Homestead, particularly during events, however the demand will be low during other “non-event” periods. We are only replacing part of the median with the right turn bay. 

Dennis Avenue changes

  • Suggestion that Dennis Avenue may need widening to accommodate turning.
    We have no plans to add lanes to the intersection but we will be making some changes to the kerb which will widen the Dennis Avenue intersection and make left turns onto Hill Road easier.
  • Suggestion that Dennis Avenue's proposed "keep clear" markings will need enforcement.
    We will be monitoring the intersections after construction and will raise this concern with the New Zealand Police should the “keep clear” markings need enforcement once the changes have been made.
  • Suggestion to consider integrating Dennis Avenue into the intersection like the traffic signals at the Great South Road, Hill Road, and Station Road intersection.
    We investigated this option in the early stages of this project, but due to safety and visibility concerns around the large distance between the two intersections, we did not proceed with a combined intersection.

Other suggestions

  • Concern that traffic lights are needed at the Hill Road and Grand Vue Road intersection instead.
  • Suggestion that traffic lights at Hill Road and Grand Vue intersection instead and speed calming on Claude Road and Dennis Avenue. 
  • Suggestion that the impacts of signalising the Hill-Claude intersection on the Hill-Grand Vue Road intersection should be investigated.
    Auckland Transport is currently investigating improvement options for the Hill Road and Grand Vue Road intersection.
  • Suggestion to remove the power poles at the intersection to reduce injuries.
    The power poles also provide the street lighting for the area and so it would be challenging to remove the poles completely from the intersection. Further, the power poles are assets owned and managed by Vector and removal would require further investigation by Vector.
  • Suggestion that speed humps should be installed on Dennis Avenue as drivers cut through Dennis Avenue to get from Claude Road to the motorway onramp.
    This is out of scope for this project, but we will log your request for speed management along Dennis Avenue for investigation in the future.  

We're proposing improvements in your area

Aucklanders have told us that moving around our city safely and easily is important to them. We are proposing some improvements to your area.

Because of the history of crashes at the Hill Road and Claude Road intersection, we are proposing improvements to make it safer.

We are proposing to:

  • Install traffic signals at the Hill Road-Claude Road intersection.
  • Install two new pedestrian crossings across all sides of the intersection. These crossings would have pedestrian traffic signals and kerb ramps to make it easy for prams and wheelchair users to move from the footpath to the road level. These changes would include removing the central traffic island on Claude Road. 
  • Install tactile pavers, which are yellow guidance paving markers that help visually impaired people to find their way to crossings and safely across roads, at all crossing points.
  • Create a right turn lane at the intersection of Hill Road and Claude Road for drivers turning onto 54 Hill Road and the one-way entrance leading to David Nathan Park.
  • Install two speed humps and “Watch for driveway vehicles” signs at the driveways of 54 Hill Road and entrance to David Nathan Park. 
  • Paint “Keep Clear” road markings at the intersection of Dennis Avenue and Hill Road.
  • Upgrade the kerb ramps on Dennis Avenue to make it easier for vulnerable users to move from the footpath to the road level when crossing the road. 
  • Trim and relocate some of the trees on the south side of the intersection of Hill Road and Claude Road.
  • Install new signs and paint road markings to support the intersection upgrade. 

Download the proposal drawing for Hill Road and Claude Road (PDF 1.2MB) 

We would like to work with you to deliver safer roads in your neighbourhood. This stretch of Hill Road has been the site of many crashes in recent years, six of which resulted in injuries. Most of these accidents were related to people turning right at the intersection of Hill Road and Claude Road.

The proposed traffic signals and turn lanes would let drivers move through the intersections in a controlled way. These changes aim to provide a safer intersection along Hill Road.

If you would like to post in your feedback, download and print our feedback form template, fill in your details and send it freepost using the address details on the form.

What happens next

  • We’ll listen to all the feedback we receive, and then decide the best way to move forward.
  • We’ll post the outcome of this proposal and a summary of community feedback on this webpage.
  • We can email you the proposal outcome as soon as it’s ready – just select that option when you fill in the survey.

Manurewa: Safe with us

Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Hill Road and Claude Road are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).