Kolmar Road, Wilmay Avenue, and Omagh Avenue Intersection, Papatoetoe – Pedestrian Safety Improvements Kolmar Road, Wilmay Avenue, and Omagh Avenue Intersection, Papatoetoe – Pedestrian Safety Improvements

Proposal status: Closed

Reference number: 20100365

Proposal update

In February 2024, we informed you about the construction timeline for safety improvements at the intersection of Kolmar Road, Wilmay Avenue and Omagh Avenue in Papatoetoe. These works were scheduled between May and June 2024, but we made some changes to the design, which delayed construction. Construction will continue later this year.

Design updates

Zebra crossings

We will install zebra crossings on all approaches to the intersection of Kolmar Road, Wilmay Avenue and Omagh Avenue. These crossings will give priority to pedestrians, meaning vehicles must stop. This change replaces the originally proposed speed bumps due to mixed feedback received during the consultation process.

Kerb ramps

We will install kerb ramps at crossing points, to provide easier access for people with prams and those with mobility needs.

New streetlights

We will install new streetlights at crossing points, to improve visibility and safety.

Grass berms and footpath widening

We will plant new grass berms and widen the footpaths at the 4 corners of the intersection, to connect the edges of the crossings on Kolmar Road, Wilmay Avenue, and Omagh Avenue.

The remaining design components will stay the same, and no additional parking spaces will be lost because of this work.

Download the updated design (PDF 1.1MB)

What happens next

Construction will take place between November 2024 and June 2025. We plan to construct the pedestrian crossings before the end of financial year 2024-2025.

We will be in touch with local residents and businesses before construction begins.

Proposal outcome

Community feedback

Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge. We received a fair amount of feedback about the proposal, with varying suggestions on how to improve road safety in the area. Below are our responses to the summary of comments and queries we received:

Speed calming

  • Suggestion to add a speed hump near the blind turn on Wilmay Avenue

We only install speed humps in locations where approaching motorists can easily see it ahead of time. The requested location is on a bend which is not considered a safe place to install a speed hump. Good forward visibility is required in both directions and failing to meet visibility requirements may result in safety issues. However, we will monitor this location and consider additional changes in the area if necessary.


  • Concern that the crossing will worsen the noise as a lot of vehicles use the roads.

The focus of this project is to improve pedestrian safety at the intersection. All vehicles, including heavy vehicles, will be able to drive over the crossing smoothly and safely. The low height of the crossings (75mm high) will minimise noise vehicles may create.

Cycling facilities

  • Request to remove on-street parking on Kolmar Road so protected cycle lanes can be added.

We’ve ensured this project will enable safe cycling infrastructure to be considered in the future, while achieving this project’s focus of improving pedestrian safety.

Crossing location

  • Concern that the crossings at the intersection will only worsen the dangers for pedestrians.

Raised zebra crossings force drivers to slow down to a survivable speed (30km/h). This reduces the overall risk of a future death or serious injury crash as a result of a car vs pedestrian/cyclist.

  • Request for crossings to be installed further down the intersection.

The primary objective of these proposed works is to improve safety for pedestrians at the intersection. The crossings are located where pedestrians most often cross the road. Shifting them further away from the intersection means that people would be less likely to use them.

  • Suggestion to not raise the proposed crossings.

The purpose of raising the zebra crossing is to significantly improve safety for everyone. Raised crossings encourage lower speeds, resulting in less harm to vulnerable road users in the event of a crash. They also raise crossing pedestrians to eye-level of approaching drivers, making them more visible.


  • Suggestion to remove the left turn into Kolmar Road to Omagh Avenue and redirect traffic to Rangitoto Road.

Our investigations do not indicate that banning left turns into Kolmar Road from Omagh Avenue would be beneficial. The current proposal would reduce approach speeds to the roundabout to improve safety at the intersection.

We're proposing improvements in your area

Aucklanders have told us that moving around our city safely and easily is important to them. We are proposing some improvements to your area.

We are proposing to improve pedestrian safety at the intersection of Kolmar Road, Wilmay Avenue and Omagh Avenue in Papatoetoe. Our investigation highlighted the intersection as among the areas in Auckland that need safer pedestrian crossing facilities.

We are proposing to:

  • install raised zebra crossings on all 4 arms of the intersection. The raised zebra crossings would be raised to be level with the footpath. They will have gentle approach ramps to minimise disruption to traffic while also providing a safer crossing facility for pedestrians.
  • install a pedestrian refuge at the centre of the crossings on Kolmar Road and Wilmay Avenue, so pedestrians can safely wait to cross the road.
  • install tactile pavers at all new crossing points. These are yellow guidance paving markers that help visually impaired people find their way to the crossing and safely cross the road.
  • install belisha beacons. These are flashing globe light and orange discs that provide additional visibility at the crossing, especially at night.
  • paint broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) near the crossings to prevent parked vehicles from blocking visibility of crossing pedestrians to approaching motorists.
  • paint new road markings and install advance warning signage so oncoming motorists know they are approaching a raised crossing.
  • widen the footpath on the 4 corners of the intersection, to join the edges of the crossings on Kolmar Road, Wilmay Avenue and Omagh Avenue.

Download the proposal drawing (PDF 441KB).

This project in Papatoetoe contributes to Tāmaki Makaurau’s Vision Zero goal, as it will:

  • reduce driver speeds and prioritise the safety of pedestrians and cyclists trying to cross the intersection
  • raise pedestrians crossing the road to the eye level of approaching motorists, making them easier to see from a distance
  • provide easier and more convenient crossings for people with prams and wheelchairs, as the crossings will be level with the footpath.

This proposal will result in the removal of 4 parking spaces. We understand that removing parking can be inconvenient, so we have minimised parking removal as much as possible while prioritising the safety of all road users.

More information

This proposal is also supported by the Auckland regional fuel tax.

Papatoetoe: Safe with us

This project supports Tāmaki Makaurau’s commitment to Vision Zero, an ambitious transport safety vision, with the goal of no deaths or serious injuries on our transport system by 2050. This approach acknowledges that as people we all make mistakes, however a mistake should not mean someone dies or is seriously injured on our roads. It’s also an approach that values everyone using the road, not just those in vehicles.