Maraetai Drive zebra crossing upgrade Maraetai Drive zebra crossing upgrade

Proposal status: Closed

Proposal outcome

In December 2023, we proposed changes to improve road crossing safety for pedestrians and cyclists at Maraetai Drive, Maraetai. After reviewing all the feedback we received, we are proceeding with the following minor change.

The originally proposed marking of the mobility bay within the school grounds will no longer be undertaken as part of this project. This is a result of feedback received from Maraetai Beach School and the Ministry of Education.

Download the updated proposal drawing (PDF, 2.1MB)

What happens next

This project is prioritised for delivery during the 2024/25 financial year. We will be in touch with local residents and businesses prior to any construction taking place.

Community feedback

Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge. Read a summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions.


  • Suggestion to include safety barriers on Craig Road at the back of the school.

This project focuses on making the main entrance to the school better. Our Community Partnership team will talk to the school and may be able to assist with Travelwise support for the other entrances.

  • Concerned with vehicles slowing down when approaching the crossing then speeding up after.

We’re making the school area safer by adding signs and markings in addition to the existing variable 40km per hour speed limit signs which are activated during school peak times. The variable 40km per hour speed limit during school peak times is proposed to be reduced to 30km per hour under our Safe Speed Programme.

  • Suggestion to have a traffic light crossing as some cars do not stop.

We’ve concluded that a raised zebra crossing is the best choice for this location. Mid-block pedestrian signals are appropriate for busy roads with significantly higher traffic than Maraetai Drive, where people walk consistently throughout the day.

  • Concerned the tactile pavers are unsafe, especially when wet.

We no longer install plastic tactile pavers which tend to be slippery when wet. The proposed tactile pavers are concrete.

  • Suggesting a cycle shoulder rather than an island on the westbound side of the road to keep cyclists safe.

The lane widths have been designed to ensure that cyclists riding on the road can safely share the lane with motor vehicles at slow speed. The traffic island on the western approach is to help ensure large vehicles go around the bend while approaching the raised crossing safely, as this side of the road has steep slopes.


  • Suggest removal of the tree on the school side of the road.

We will be removing the tree. 

  • Suggest removal of parking spaces around the crossing and before Te Pene Road to allow more visibility for pedestrians.

The placement of broken yellow line markings is based on visibility requirements and where there is insufficient lane width between the new flush median and parked cars.  

As such, we have not proposed yellow lines between the raised crossing and Te Pene Road because they are not required. Removing too much parking can cause problems where people might park illegally or cars might speed up because of the wider road.

Noise disruption

  • Concerned with the noise and vibration for the houses along Maraetai Drive.

One of the main issues the school is currently experiencing at the existing zebra crossing is vehicle speeds. The proposed raised crossing encourages drivers to slow down on their approach and the school can patrol it in a safe manner.

The potential for noise or vibration has been minimised with the proposed design of a raised platform at the minimum height of 75mm high. The raised platform is a speed bump that is flat and wide with a gradual slope at one end. It is designed to minimise discomfort or any sudden impacts from large vehicles or trailers, thus minimising potential noise or vibration.

We’re also putting up warning signs to remind drivers about the raised crossing. Ground vibrations can happen for many reasons. Factors include road quality, vehicle speed, soil strength and house construction. Learn more about road traffic vibration.


  • Concerned with the speed limit from Beachlands/Maraetai roundabout to Maraetai being at 80km per hour as traffic continues into Maraetai in excess of 50km per hour.

Speed limit reviews fall under our Safe Speeds Programme. Your feedback will be considered under this programme. You can read more on what we have done to date and further work on speed limit changes.

Original consultation details

The existing zebra crossing is located on a downhill slope and a horizontal curve. Southbound traffic tends to approach the crossing at high speeds.

We’re proposing to upgrade the existing zebra crossing on Maraetai Drive, outside Maraetai Beach School, to a raised zebra crossing. The raised zebra crossing will be on top of a speed bump, raised to the height of the footpath. The speed bump is flat and wide, with a long off-ramp. This makes it more comfortable for larger vehicles and their passengers.

We’re proposing to add:

  • a new footpath with a grass kerb extension
  • new tactile pavers, which are yellow paving markers that guide people to the crossing and safely across the road
  • new road markings and signage to support the upgraded crossing.

Four on-street parking spaces will be removed to allow for visibility. We understand this can be inconvenient, so we’ve minimised the removal of parking as much as possible while still improving safety on Maraetai Drive.

Download the proposal drawing for Maraetai Drive (PDF, 908KB)

Project benefits

This project aims to improve safety and visibility. We want to work with you to deliver safer roads in your neighbourhood. These changes would:

  • slow motorists to a safer speed
  • raise pedestrians crossing the road, especially children, to the eye level of approaching motorists, making them easier to see
  • make it more comfortable for everyone, including people with prams and wheelchairs, to cross the road, as the crossing is level with the footpath.

What happens next

  • We’ll consider all the feedback we receive, and then decide the best way to move forward.
  • We’ll post the outcome of this proposal and a summary of community feedback on this webpage.
  • We can email you the proposal outcome as soon as it’s ready – just select that option when you fill in the survey.

Maraetai: Safe with us

Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Maraetai Drive are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).