Paerata Road and Crisp Avenue, Pukekohe - Broken yellow lines Paerata Road and Crisp Avenue, Pukekohe - Broken yellow lines
Proposal status: Feedback closed 11 May 2020, last updated 20 May 2020
Reference number: BYL-446
In April 2020, we proposed changes in your area
To improve safety for vehicles entering and exiting Crisp Avenue, we proposed Broken Yellow Lines (no stopping at all times) at the intersection of Paerata Road and Crisp Avenue in Pukekohe.
The proposal responded to concerns from local residents, raised to the Local Board, about poor visibility exiting Crisp Avenue due to parked cars. The proposed broken yellow lines aim to increase visibility and safety at the intersection and include removing 2 parking spaces.
Download the proposal drawing for Paerata Road and Crisp Avenue (PDF 262KB)
Proposal outcome
The proposal received full support and will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning before being painted on the road.
Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.
Community feedback
- All respondents supported the proposal, with some suggesting minor additions. Thank you for the support. We hope the new parking restrictions will result in increased safety for everyone.
- Request for more Broken Yellow Lines on Crisp Avenue as there is a concern that the rubbish truck struggles to navigate the road when it is busy. The proposed Broken Yellow Lines are provided to ensure vehicles can turn safely into Crisp Avenue from Paerata Road. Rubbish trucks should be able to navigate safely with parked vehicles on both sides.
- Request to limit parking on Paerata Road to P120 (2 hour parking). We will request our parking design team to undertake a review as to whether parking restrictions are required.
- Request for Broken Yellow Lines to be extended as far as Hickeys Reserve. The proposed Broken Yellow Lines are long enough to meet the visibility requirements. Any additional Broken Yellow Lines will remove unnecessary parking and overcrowd the nearby streets with parked cars.
- Request for a Give way sign coming out of car park opposite Crisp Avenue. Drivers are required to give way while coming out of any driveway. Maintaining a driveway is the property owner responsibility. We will monitor the site and contact the owner for a ‘give way’ control if deemed necessary.
- Requests for a pedestrian crossing in the area. This matter is already being investigated by our road safety team for a pedestrian crossing on Paerata Road.
- Belief that this will remove 5 spaces, not 2. It is illegal to park within 6 metres of the intersection and we can advise that the total number of parking spaces that will be removed with this proposal to be 2 excluding the intersection 6 metre rule.
Next steps
These works are planned for August 2020, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.
Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.