Exminster Street, Blockhouse Bay – Speed table Exminster Street, Blockhouse Bay – Speed table

Proposal status: Feedback closed 8 November 2019, last updated 22 April 2021.

Reference number: MIP1920-030

Next Steps

We advised you in April 2020 that these works were expected to be constructed by November 2020

This project now has a construction target of June 2021. We’ll write to you again closer to the time with more detail about the commencement of works.

We proposed changes in your area

In October 2019, we proposed to install a new speed table and pedestrian crossing between 30-33 Exminster Street.

Download the proposal drawing for Exminster Street (PDF 296KB) 

Why the changes are needed

This proposal responded to a need to calm traffic speeds and provide a pedestrian crossing on the west side of the roundabout on Exminster Street. The speed table is expected to improve safety at the intersection by slowing down traffic and giving pedestrians a crossing path.

Roundabout at Exminster and Rathlin Streets

In 2018, we asked for your feedback regarding the installation of a roundabout and pedestrian crossings at the intersection of Exminster Street and Rathlin Street to improve safety at the intersection. This project is now currently under construction.

In June 2019, we sent a letter notifying you that we would no longer be installing the western crossing on Exminster because the grade between the footpath and kerb was too steep to construct a safe pram crossing. We are now proposing to install a speed table with pram crossings farther away from the roundabout, where the grade is less steep.

Proposal outcome

The proposed changes will proceed to the next stage of detailed planning before being implemented. Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.

Community feedback

Many respondents supported the proposal, noting that the new speed table and crossing would help reduce speeding and improve safety at the roundabout.

Thank you for the support. We expect this new speed table will resolve these safety concerns.

Parking Concerns:

  • Concern that cars are parked on both sides of the road and are causing visibility issues. This road has adequate space for 2 lanes of traffic even with parking on both sides. Visibility was not noted as an issue on this wide, straight road and removing additional parking would likely increase speeding on the road.
  • Concern that the broken yellow lines will pose parking problems. Parking is only removed where necessary to ensure safety for pedestrians and drivers. This is a residential area where most houses have driveway parking with additional on-street parking nearby.

Additional Concerns:

  • Request for additional speed tables and crossings along Exminster Street, especially between the proposed speed table and the one in front of 5 Exminster Street, as this street has lots of speeding. This area will continue to be monitored after the installation of this project. If a safety problem persists, further speed calming measures will be investigated.
  • Request that the speed table and crossing not be put in, as the roundabout already reduces speeds and there is not enough traffic to warrant it. Suggestion to monitor for a year before incurring additional costs. The existing roundabout provides no pedestrian crossing on the west side of the intersection and would be particularly difficult for people with disabilities to cross due to the steep grade between the footpath and the street. The raised speed table will help reduce speeds upon approach to the roundabout.

Next steps

These works are planned between August and November 2020, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.

Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.