Kinross Street, Blockhouse Bay – Raised Zebra Crossing Kinross Street, Blockhouse Bay – Raised Zebra Crossing

Proposal status: Feedback closed 30 April 2021. Last updated 21 May 2021

Reference number: MIP1920-045

Proposal outcome

In April 2021, we proposed changes to improve safety for people crossing Kinross Street, Blockhouse Bay. After reviewing all the feedback, we are proceeding with a change to the design. These works will help support our Vision Zero goal.

  • Following community feedback, we will be changing the design from a raised pedestrian crossing to a dual pedestrian and cyclist raised crossing.

What happens next

We anticipate the changes will be constructed around March 2022. We will be in touch with nearby residents prior to any construction taking place.

Community feedback

Thank you for adding your voice to this proposal. Your local knowledge has helped us make this decision for your neighbourhood. We received positive feedback on this proposal. Residents told us they are supporting this proposal because of drivers’ high speeds, concerns about pedestrian safety, and frustration with the lack of crossing options on Kinross Street. The introduction of the raised zebra crossing is expected to slow drivers and make crossing Kinross easier and safer.

We received a suggestion that we fix the sidewalks on Kinross Street. While this is out of the scope of this project, we have requested the sidewalk issue is investigated.

We're proposing improvements in your area

Aucklanders have told us that moving around our city safely and easily is important to them. We are proposing some improvements to your area to enhance pedestrian safety.

Residents have reported safety concerns about the crossing between Craigavon Park and Sister Rene Shadbolt Park, so we are proposing to install a pedestrian crossing on Kinross Street.

The changes we are proposing:

  • Install a zebra crossing on top of a speed table which is a flat, wide speed bump with a sloped exit that provides a smooth ride for vehicles and passengers.
  • Reconstruct and widen the existing footpath on the roadsides at the crossing.
  • Install tactile pavers at the crossing, which are yellow guidance paving markers to help visually impaired people to find their way to the crossing and safely cross the road.
  • Install a concrete traffic island at the centre of Kinross Street, which will serve as a place for pedestrians to safely stop while crossing the road.
  • Install new streetlights and signage on the road sides and on the proposed traffic island to increase driver awareness of the crossing.
  • Install a high-friction surface at the crossing, which increases tire traction on the road and can help drivers slow down when approaching the crossing.
  • Paint new road markings to alert drivers to the crossing and traffic island.
  • Paint broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) lines on both sides of Kinross Street near the crossing to ensure drivers and pedestrians can see each other at the crossing. This will remove 10 on-street parking spaces.
  • Add new catch pits for draining storm water on both sides of the road at the crossing.

Download the proposal drawing for Kinross Street (1.09MB) 

The changes we are proposing would increase pedestrian safety when crossing Kinross Street and link the footpaths in Craigavon Park and Sister Rene Shadbolt Park with a safe zebra crossing. Introducing a raised crossing would ensure residents and park visitors can comfortably use these green spaces in your neighbourhood and provide a safe place to cross Kinross Street. This proposal would remove 10 parking spaces, which we understand can be inconvenient, but these parking restrictions are needed to make sure all road users have good visibility at the crossing. The goal of this project is to improve pedestrian access in the area.

Give your feedback for Kinross Street

If you would like to post in your feedback, download and print our feedback form template, fill in your details and send it freepost using the address details on the form.

What happens next

  • We’ll listen to all the feedback we receive, and then decide the best way to move forward.
  • We’ll post the outcome of this proposal and a summary of community feedback on this webpage.
  • We can email you the proposal outcome as soon as it’s ready – just select that option when you fill in the survey.

Blockhouse Bay: Safe with us

Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Kinross Street are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).