Levy Road, Glen Eden - New footpath Levy Road, Glen Eden - New footpath

Proposal status: closed 5 December 2018

Reference number: FP1819-004

We're proposing changes in your area

We are proposing to install a new footpath on Levy Road in Glen Eden, including changes to the parking arrangements at this site. This proposal is part of our footpath programme, which aims to improve pedestrian accessibility all over Auckland.

Download the proposal drawing for Levy Road (PDF 606KB)

Why the changes are needed

These changes are needed to complete a gap in the footpath network between Ambler Avenue and Glendale Road. The proposal will enable safer and more direct walking journeys in the community, particularly for children and parents accessing the play centre. 

Proposal outcome

This project will proceed with minor changes to the next stage of detailed planning. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback. A summary of this feedback and answers to community questions and concerns is below.

Feedback received

  • This proposal received positive responses from community members and stakeholders who supported the new pedestrian facilities.
  • Request for a grass strip to protect children from being right on roadside when walking.
    Yes, we will incorporate a grass strip in the design.
  • Proposal for an altered path set behind the power line poles and deviated:
    • towards the kerb at the Glendale tie-in, to avoid the bus shelter.
    • preferably further away from the kerb around the Pohutukawa.
    • deviate towards the kerb at the culvert (as on the other side of Levy Road)
    • and aligned directly to the proposed position behind the parking spaces in front of the Playcentre.
    • and to remain offset from the Levy Road kerb at the tie-in with Ambler Avenue, away from the traffic sign identified on the plan which appears to be located within the traffic width of the footpath.
      Where possible the footpath has been realigned away from the kerb. On the Glendale Road end, it will be kept at kerb position due to the constraints of the trees and bushes there.
  • Suggestion for the footpath crossfall to be adequate to prevent any stormwater from flowing down the customer's driveway and into their property.
    In front of your house the footpath will slope toward the street into a kerb and channel.
  • Question whether the footpath will be built on the current road as this might make this road too narrow.
    No, the footpath will be built south of the existing kerb line.
  • Is the new footpath to be 1.8m wide? It was thought 1.2m or 1.5m width maximum, would have been plenty for the foot traffic in this road.
    The AT Code of Practice standard width for a footpath is 1.8 metres to allow two mobility impaired pedestrians to bypass each other.
  • Suggestion that in order to develop a 1.8m wide footpath outside a particular property may require some retaining and imported fill, as the berm slopes away into the property quite steeply and customer would appreciate a narrower path.
    These comments will be passed to the detailed designer. The AT Code of Practice standard width for a footpath is 1.8 metres to allow two mobility impaired pedestrians to bypass each other. Appropriate fill to allow the footpath to slope toward the road will be included.
  • Please retain angled parking at the play centre – this is safer to let kids out. If the footpath was moved behind the existing kerb this could be achieved with maybe only one carpark lost near the tree.
    As a result of your feedback we will amend the design to retain the angled parking arrangement.
  • The Pohutukawa might need a timber bridge instead of a path due to the root structure.
    This has been noted.
  • While these footpath works are being implemented, there is a request that the extent of concrete at the bus stop in front of 71 Glendale is also increased with a concrete area.
    The footpath will tie in with the existing concrete hard stand at the bus stop.
  • Please provide a safe crossing (like a raised zebra) nearby, safe crossings are more than 600m away both ways. An ideal location would be between Levy Road and the path aligned with Routley Drive which provides entrance into the Twin Streams path, as this is heavily used.
    Your suggestion for a safe crossing at Glendale Road is outside the scope of works for this project but will be passed to the appropriate team at Auckland Transport for consideration.

Next steps

This work will happen before the end of June 2019, and we will let you know if there are further changes or delays. Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.