Lincoln Park Ave, Massey - Speed calming Lincoln Park Ave, Massey - Speed calming

Consultation status: closed 11 June 2018. Last updated 19 May 2021

Proposal reference: RTV-107 and MIP1718-070

Proposal update

Unfortunately, construction of this project was delayed during 2020 due to the impact of COVID-19. The project is part of the Minor Improvement Programme and is dependent on the level of funding we receive from Auckland Council.

We can now confirm this project has a construction target of June 2021.

Next steps

Our contractors will send notices to residents or businesses directly affected by works 48 hours before it starts.

We're proposing improvements in your area

We are proposing to install 7 speed tables along Lincoln Park Avenue.

View the consultation drawing for Lincoln Park Avenue (PDF 5.1MB) 

Why the changes are needed

The changes are being proposed due to public feedback about excess speeds on this road. Speed data collected at three locations has corroborated the high speeds reported.

There is also a pattern of loss of control crashes; in particular at the corner by Arlette Road as cars approach on the downhill. The speed tables will slow vehicles down, making the road safer for all users.

If you are giving feedback about a specific speed table, please refer to the drawing reference number (beginning G030) so we can identify which speed table you are referring to.

Proposal outcome

This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning. A summary of the community feedback we received and answers to questions and concerns is below.

Feedback received

  • Concern that the proposed speed humps would slow the traffic too much.
    Our investigations indicate that vehicle speeds along Lincoln Park Avenue are frequently in excess of the posted speed limit. This proposal aims to improve road safety by sufficiently slowing vehicles down to a level that will allow them to safely travel along the road. We expect that this change will have a minimal impact on overall travel times.
  • Concerns that installation of seven speed humps along this stretch of road is excessive and would prove to be an inconvenience for residents.
    This proposal has a strong focus on road safety at this location. We expect that the proposed speed calming measures will sufficiently slow vehicles down to a level that will allow them to safely travel along the road.  
  • Request for a speed table closer to Arlette Place.
    For driver safety, we do not recommend installation of speed tables near bends and corners.
  • Request for further speed calming measures directly around the intersection of Lincoln Park Avenue and Waimumu Road.
    There are existing speed calming measures already in place at this intersection, including traffic side islands, curve advisory signs, and pedestrian refuge. Further measures at this location would not be practical as this intersection is on a bend.
  • Request for broken yellow lines to be installed around the intersection of Lincoln Park Avenue and Cartmel Avenue.
    Broken yellow lines will be installed around this intersection as part of this proposal.
  • Request for a zebra crossing on Lincoln Park Avenue to better accommodate children who cross this road.
    Our pedestrian counts indicate that currently demand is not high enough to warrant installation of a zebra crossing. Installation of zebra crossings where pedestrian demand is low is likely to de-sensitise drivers, resulting in reduced driver awareness and potential risks to pedestrians. This request may be considered at a future date if pedestrian demand increases.