Paewai Road and Annison Avenue, Glen Eden - Konini Primary School safety improvements Paewai Road and Annison Avenue, Glen Eden - Konini Primary School safety improvements
Proposal status: Feedback closed 25 June 2020, last updated 03 November 2021.
Reference number: CSFWR1.4
Proposal update
In June 2020, Waitākere Ranges Local Board and Auckland Transport invited community feedback on our proposal to install new raised zebra crossings at 2 Paewai Road, 2 Annison Avenue and 12 Annison Avenue, Glen Eden. Glen Eden. We are writing to let you know about an update to the construction timeframe for this project.
Changes to the construction timeframe
In August 2020 we advised you that COVID-19 had impacted our funding and we were not able to estimate a construction date.
Funding has now been secured for this project. Construction is now underway and scheduled to be completed by the end of November 2021. Contractors will issue 1-week notices to all affected residents prior to construction work commencing.
In June 2020, we proposed changes in your area
To improve pedestrian safety, the Waitākere Ranges Local Board and Auckland Transport proposed to install new raised zebra crossings at 2 Paewai Road, 2 Annison Avenue and 12 Annison Avenue, Glen Eden. This proposal responds to community requests to provide safe crossing facilities for children walking to and from Konini Primary School. The new zebra crossings are expected to improve road safety for people walking in the area by slowing approaching traffic and prioritising pedestrians.
This project is supported by the regional fuel tax fund.
Changes proposed on Paewai Road
- Install a new zebra crossing raised to a platform level with the footpath outside 2 Paewai Road. This aims to slow driver speeds near the crossing. We recommend this place for the new crossing because it is the safest and most convenient point for people to cross.
- Install tactile pavers which are yellow guidance paving markers to help visually impaired people to find their way to the crossing and safely cross the road.
- Install new road markings, signage and streetlights to improve visibility of the crossing to approaching drivers.
- Reconstruct the footpath to provide people with safe access to the crossing.
Changes proposed on Annison Avenue
- Install new zebra crossings raised to a platform level with the footpath outside 2 and 12 Annison Avenue. This aims to slow driver speeds on the approach to the crossings. We recommend these locations for the new crossings because they are the safest and most convenient points for people to cross.
- Install tactile pavers which are yellow guidance paving markers to help visually impaired people to find their way to the crossing and safely cross the road.
- Install new road markings, signage and streetlights to improve visibility of the crossing to approaching drivers.
- Reconstruct the footpath and trim a tree on the berm (the grass strip next to the road) on the corner of Annison Avenue and Withers Road to provide people with safe access and visibility to and from the crossing.
- Extend the broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) near the crossings. This will remove a total of six car parking spaces. The proposed broken yellow lines are required to improve visibility and safety of pedestrians near the crossings.
Download the proposal drawing for Paewai Road and Annison Avenue (PDF 560KB)
Community Safety Fund
This proposal is part of the Community Safety Fund. Auckland Transport is partnered with the Waitākere Ranges Local Board to deliver this project, as part of more than 80 safety improvement projects across the Auckland region. The Community Safety Fund is a $20 million programme focused on addressing local road safety concerns raised by the community to local boards and ward councillors.
Glen Eden: Safe with us
Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Paewai Road and Annison Avenue are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).
Proposal outcome
COVID-19 has had a significant impact on AT and the wider Auckland Council whānau. As a result, Auckland Council is implementing an Emergency Budget which will reduce AT’s capital and operating budgets. This could mean this project is delayed. We will be in touch with you when we know more about how this project will be impacted by the current budget constraints.
Once the budget is confirmed, the proposal will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning before being constructed.
Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.
Feedback received
- The majority of respondents expressed their support, noting that the proposal will provide safe pedestrian facilities, reduce driver speeds, prevent accidents and improve safety for the whole community.
Thank you for your feedback. We believe that the proposal will help improve pedestrian safety especially for Konini Primary School children.
Speed control measures
- Respondents request to install speed control measures such as speed bumps on Withers Road as there are concerns with speeding in the area.
The focus of this proposal is to improve safety for school children around Konini Primary School. Auckland Transport has a plan to reduce unsafe speeds on Auckland’s roads. It targets areas prioritised by the level of safety risk and aims to reduce the incidence and impact of crashes. The initial roll out of speed reduction focuses on approximately 10% of our road network, including residential areas. It recognises that traffic-calming changes on one street have a flow-on effect on the surrounding neighbourhood. The plan will support drivers to travel at the appropriate speed and to the road conditions.
Prioritisation and delivery are based on several factors, including the number of crashes, safety risk, traffic speed, land use and concerns raised by local residents and their elected representatives.
While we do appreciate your concerns, Withers Road has not been identified in the first group of areas within our Residential Speed Management programme as other areas in the region experience higher speeds and safety risk. Read more information, including the residential areas that will be prioritised for further investigation on the Residential Speed Management Programme page. - Multiple respondents suggested reduced speed limits (20kph or 30kph) around the school especially during school pick up and drop off times.
The aim of this proposal is to improve safety for school children around Konini Primary School through the installation of new raised pedestrian crossings. A reduction in the speed limit or request for a school zone are beyond the scope of this project. However, this information has been passed on to the relevant team and an investigation will be carried out.
Crossing locations
- Multiple respondents request a raised crossing at the intersection at Kashmir Road and Withers Road.
During the investigation phase of this project, this intersection showed that there had been no pedestrian related crashes reported in the last 5 years which indicates that pedestrians are able to cross here relatively safely compared to other locations across the Auckland Region. However, we acknowledge there is a crossing demand at this location, but the priority of this project’s funding is to provide safe crossing points within the direct vicinity of Konini Primary School. Therefore, we are currently unable to progress with a crossing at this location without compromising one of the proposed crossings on Annison Avenue or on Paewai Road. - Respondent suggests that pedestrians use Withers Road and Paewai Road as Annison Avenue is too congested.
There are existing pedestrian paths along, and linking to, Annison Avenue. Crossing Annison Avenue is an established part of the pedestrian desire line (where most people prefer to cross the road). The purpose of this project is to improve pedestrian safety. Attempting to divert pedestrians away from Annison Avenue would be unfavourable. - Respondents request a crossing on Withers Road (near the bus stop) and on Kashmir Road.
The focus of this proposal is to improve safety for school children around Konini Primary School. Additional crossing locations along Withers Road, Kashmir Road and other side streets have been investigated but have not been progressed/prioritised as part of this project due to funding constraints and with the main focus being within the immediate vicinity of the school. - Respondent expressed concern that the position of the crossing may not allow enough visibility for cars to see whether the road is clear, and that they may get stuck on the crossing and unable to see through a mass of pedestrians (particularly at the Paewai Road right turn).
Visibility has been checked during the design process and the clear sight distance requirements are met. There is enough room for a vehicle to wait at the limit line (the top of the intersection) and not block the crossing. - Respondent suggests moving the crossings further down the street to provide oncoming drivers with more visibility rather than being so close to the end of the street/intersection.
Visibility has been checked during the design process and the requirements are met. Shifting the crossings further down the street would deviate from the pedestrian desire line. This makes the crossing less convenient for pedestrians and increases the chance of pedestrians not using the crossing. - Respondent raised concerns that there is no need for the proposed Paewai Road crossing as not many school children cross there.
The parents of many of the Konini Primary School children park in the Titirangi Badminton Hall car park. The crossing at Paewai Road facilitates safe crossing of these pedestrians walking to Konini Primary School from the carpark. The crossing can also be used at any time of day and will slow down vehicles at the intersection. - Respondent expressed concern that the crossing outside 12 Annison Avenue is not needed as most children are picked up by parents who park their cars close to the school.
This crossing point connects to the Konini Primary School path and will provide a safe crossing point for children to cross. Children may be picked up or dropped off by vehicles on the northern side of the road and therefore will still need to cross the road. The purpose of this project is to improve pedestrian safety, and a crossing at this point will achieve this.
Traffic congestion
- Respondent raised concern that the crossings may cause increased congestion.
The purpose of this project is to improve pedestrian safety. Congestion may increase slightly as vehicles will have to give way to pedestrians using the crossings. However, for most of the day, any delays would be very minor. - Respondent expressed concerns about too much traffic on Annison Avenue and that cars block driveways and access to Pitcher Place.
This project is not expected to increase traffic on Annison Avenue. The improved pedestrian safety and connectivity may decrease vehicle trips as some children may walk/cycle instead or be dropped off further away from the school. If a vehicle is parking within one metre of your vehicle crossing and blocking your access, please call parking enforcement on 09 355 3553 with vehicle details and enforcement shall be organised.
- Respondent requests enforcement of non-parking areas as well as unsafe driving around pedestrian crossings.
We suggest that you contact our Parking Enforcement Department on 09 355 3553 to request enforcement action to be taken if you notice vehicles parking illegally. Any unsafe driving should be reported directly to the Police. - Respondent expressed concerns about more cars parking inconveniently in other spaces, including residents’ driveways if the broken yellow lines are installed.
The broken yellow lines are proposed where required to provide safe sight distances to pedestrians crossing at these locations. If a vehicle is parking within one metre of your vehicle crossing and blocking your access, please call parking enforcement on 09 355 3553 with vehicle details and enforcement shall be organised. - Respondent suggests painting broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) parking restrictions on Paewai Road near the crossings.
The broken yellow lines are proposed where required to provide safe sight distances. There are existing broken yellow lines on Paewai Road at the intersection and around the proposed crossing. - Respondent suggests investigating better parking areas/spaces and implement a strategy with the school for parents to use them.
We are currently undertaking a trial looking at a number of suitable options to provide safety outside schools for all road users, in particular students and their families. We will be working with up to four schools in the Auckland area and use up to four different treatment types to assess their suitability to provide safety during morning and afternoon school peak times. While this trial is underway, we will not be implementing any changes to existing restrictions or layouts, including implementation of broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) parking restrictions outside schools. For more information on Auckland Transport’s parking strategy around schools, please visit the Auckland Transport website. - Respondent suggests more parking on Annison Avenue and Pitcher Place.
The focus of this proposal is to improve safety for school children around Konini Primary School through the installation of new raised pedestrian crossings. A change in the existing parking layout is beyond the scope of this project. However, this suggestion has been passed on to the relevant team and an investigation will be carried out.
- Respondent suggests a letter drop to properties on Annison Avenue and Coey Place regarding the STOP sign at the end of Annison Avenue as many cars do not adhere to the rule.
Enforcement of traffic controls such as a STOP sign is the responsibility of the Police. Please contact the Police to express your concerns of this intersection. - Respondent requests the STOP sign and markings to be repainted on Annison Avenue as drivers do not usually stop here.
We will review the condition of the line marking and signage for this stop control. If maintenance is required, we will instruct our maintenance team to bring the infrastructure up to standard. - Respondent suggests the STOP sign on Annison Avenue to be moved to Paewai Road and the GIVE WAY sign to be moved from Paewai Road to Annison Avenue to help traffic flow.
The stop control at the top of Annison Avenue has likely been installed for sight distance reasons (to ensure vehicles allow enough time to check for vehicles coming from the right before pulling out). This stop control should give time for vehicles to turn right out of Paewai Road. The intersections are two separate t-intersections. Therefore, vehicles turning left out of Annison Avenue do not have to give way to vehicles turning right out of Paewai Road.
The 5-year reported crash history at these intersections shows there have been no crashes which suggests that the intersection is operating relatively safely. Therefore, we cannot currently justify any changes to the existing intersection controls.
Road safety
- Respondent suggests AT and Auckland Council support school patrol teams in educating children on road safety.
Konini Primary School is part of the Auckland Transport Travelwise initiative, which is a programme of road safety activities within schools to equip children with essential road safety skills. At Konini Primary School this programme includes: safe cycling and safe scooting training, road crossing skills, walking school bus training and classroom activities to promote sustainable travel. This regular contact between the schools and Auckland Transport staff also identifies any changes in the local traffic conditions and can lead to road safety engineering projects for the future. - Respondent suggests AT complete safety assessments and recommend improvements around all local schools.
We are currently undertaking a trial looking at a number of suitable options to provide safety outside schools for all road users, in particular students and their families. We will be working with up to four schools in the Auckland area and use up to four different treatment types to assess their suitability to provide safety during morning and afternoon school peak times. While this trial is underway, we will not be implementing any changes to existing restrictions or layouts, including implementation of broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) parking restrictions outside schools. For more information on Auckland Transport’s parking strategy around schools, please visit the Auckland Transport website. - Respondents suggest barriers (swing-out orange school patrol STOP signs) or 'lollipop signs' when children want to cross.
An agreement to patrol these new crossings from the school is required for this additional infrastructure to be included. Following the public consultation of this project (which includes the school) we should have an idea if they wish to pursue this.
- Respondents suggest the footpath on Withers Road to be extended and to widen the footpaths to accommodate large groups of pedestrians.
We receive a large number of requests for new footpaths or to widen current footpaths and we prioritise these requests in order to manage the available budget and to target the areas of greatest need.
We regret to inform you that currently Withers Road does not rank highly against the other sites awaiting new footpaths therefore, we are unable to proceed with your request for a new footpath in this location at this stage. This programme of work is subject to an annual reprioritisation of projects for delivery.
We also cannot accommodate this request within our current proposed project due to funding constraints and that our prioritisation for this proposal is to provide safe crossing points.
Other feedback
- Respondent expressed concern that the proposal is a waste of money.
This is a Local Board driven project in which the Waitākere Ranges Local Board expressed their concern of the risk of a pedestrian especially a young child being hit while crossing. Auckland Transport's Vision Zero approach acknowledges that people make mistakes and human bodies are vulnerable to high-impact forces in the event of a crash. To protect people from forces that can cause traumatic injury we need to look at how the whole system works together to protect all those who use our roads. Furthermore, we have had overwhelming support of this project following consultation. - Respondents raised concerns about drivers not stopping at the STOP sign on Glendale Road (at the junction of Oates Road) and that many children are at risk when crossing Glendale Road (near Vision West) and Glengarry Road.
There is an existing plan that looks to upgrade the intersection of Glendale Road and Oates Road which includes a raised table and improved crossing facilities. However, at this stage we are unable to comment on the timeframe regarding delivery. In the meantime, we suggest that you contact the Police to express your concerns at this intersection regarding the non-compliance with the STOP control.
An improved crossing across Glengarry Road at the intersection with Glendale Road has been investigated in the past but has unfortunately not been prioritised. We will however continue to monitor the site and reassess as necessary.
A design for a new crossing facility is currently being investigated within the vicinity of Vision West on Glendale Road between the roads of Routley Drive and Levy Road. The proposal will address the crossing demand in this area particularly for school aged children walking to school. After the design has been developed it will also be consulted on. - Respondent suggests a speed camera to be installed on Captain Scott Road (between the Wilson Road roundabout and Osman Street).
The police in conjunction with the New Zealand Transport Agency’s (NZTA) Safety Team and an independent transportation consultant, have a methodology for choosing sites which are suitable for Speed/ Safety cameras. Generally, Safety Cameras are placed in areas where there is a problem with excessive speed and there is a proven crash risk or research shows a history of crashes causing death and/or serious injuries. Read more information on the NZ Police website about how sites are selected and where the cameras are being sited.
Next steps
We will be in touch with you when we know more about how this project will be impacted by the current budget constraints. Once funding is secured, our contractors will send notices to residents or businesses affected by works 48 hours before the work starts.