Titirangi Road, New Lynn - Intersection upgrade Titirangi Road, New Lynn - Intersection upgrade
Proposal status: Feedback closed 17 October 2019, last updated 12 August 2021.
Reference number: RSU1920-022
Proposal update
We advised you in November 2020 that these works were scheduled to be constructed within the 2021/2022 financial year. We are currently in the detailed design phase of the project process and have updated our construction timeline.
This project now has a construction target of December 2021.
Proposal update
We advised you in November 2019 that these works were scheduled to be constructed between July 2020 and June 2021. Unfortunately, construction of this project will not happen during this financial year due to the impact of COVID-19. This project is dependent on the level of funding we receive from Auckland Council and this year’s funding has been reduced due to COVID-19. Planning and design will continue but currently many projects, including this project, cannot be delivered in the 2020/2021 financial year.
This project now has a construction target of 2021/22 financial year. We’ll write to you again next year with more detail about the commencement of works.
We've proposed changes in your area
In October 2019 we proposed to upgrade the intersection of Titirangi Road with Croydon Road and Parker Avenue in New Lynn. Our proposal involved installing new traffic signals at the intersection of Titirangi and Croydon Road, including pedestrian crossings and changes to traffic lanes. On Parker Avenue we are proposing a new speed table to calm vehicle speeds at this intersection.
These changes are needed to address the high risk of serious crashes at this location. The proposed design is expected to significantly improve safety for people walking, driving and cycling through these intersections.
At the intersection of Titirangi Road and Parker Avenue we are proposing:
- A raised speed table to reduce traffic speeds at this intersection.
- Preventing right-hand turns from Titirangi Road onto Parker Avenue to avoid conflict between turning cars and oncoming traffic.
- "Clear Zone" road markings on Titirangi Road to prevent cars from blocking the intersection.
At the intersection of Titirangi and Croydon Roads we are proposing:
- New traffic signals on all three legs of the intersection, including three new pedestrian crossings to make it safer for people to cross the road.
- Converting the two left-turn lanes on Croydon Road to a single lane. In our proposed design a double lane is no longer needed to accommodate drivers turning right onto Parker Avenue.
- Green cycle stop boxes to allow people on bikes to safely queue at the intersection.
Existing Signal Crossing
Our new intersection design involves shifting the existing pedestrian signal crossing at 145 Titirangi Road back to its original location at the intersection with Croydon Road. In 2017, we moved this crossing away from the intersection, because drivers were mistaking a green light at the pedestrian crossing for a signal indicating they had right of way at the intersection.
Our new design involves installing traffic signals on all legs of the intersection, making it fully controlled. This will make it clear to drivers and pedestrians when it is safe to proceed.
These changes are needed to address the high risk of serious crashes at this location. The proposed design is expected to significantly improve safety for people walking, driving and cycling through these intersections.
Download the proposal drawing for Titirangi Road (PDF 422KB)
Proposal outcome
We have made minor changes to the design based on community feedback. These changes will improve access to driveways close to the intersection, but do not affect other road users. Affected residents have been contacted and notified of these changes. If you are concerned about your driveway, but did not receive a notice, please contact us.
Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.
Community feedback
We received positive feedback from people who expressed concerns over the safety of the current arrangement. Many respondents noted having witnessed near misses or feeling unsafe at these intersections. Thank you for your feedback. We hope the improved crossing will make your community safer.
- Concern about the right turn ban into and out of Parker Avenue as this would remove a useful short-cut for commuters. The right-turn ban out of Parker Avenue is already in operation and is not part of this proposal. The right turn into Parker Avenue has been included to this design to prevent crashes. Between 2013 and 2017, nine registered crashes have occurred involving vehicles making this right turn. Four of those have resulted in injuries. Banning the turn will avoid further incidents.
Furthermore, Parker Avenue and Croydon Road are residential roads. They are not designed to handle large volumes of commuter traffic. We have already implemented speed calming measures on Parker Avenue to prevent speeding through these streets. The turning ban is an additional measure to keep commuter traffic on arterial roads, that are designed to handle high volumes of traffic safely. - Concern the right turn ban at Parker Avenue would potentially increase congestion on Great North Road, Titirangi Road and Margan Avenue. Traffic Modelling has shown that the new intersection would keep traffic flowing at a steady pace. Traffic will likely be redistributed to three key intersections with negligible effects on congestion. These intersections are: Titirangi Road/Willerton Avenue, West Coast Road/Pleasant Road and Pleasant Road/Titirangi Road.
- Request to include the Parker Avenue leg into the signalised intersection. This could also enable all turning movements in the area. Request to include the Parker Avenue leg into the signalised intersection. This could also enable all turning movements in the area.
- Traffic modelling determined this arrangement would cause more delays for drivers.
- It would encourage further ‘rat-run’ driving behaviour through Parker Avenue, which is not encouraged.
- The staggered arrangement of signals could confuse drivers.
- Request for a roundabout to be constructed instead of a signalised crossing. This option has been explored but was not believed to be appropriate. Constructing a roundabout would require the acquisition of privately owned land. This would significantly increase the price of this project while also causing greater disruptions in the area. Furthermore, this design would require a roundabout at both the Parker Avenue and Croydon Road intersection, which could confuse drivers and cause further delays.
- Concern the speed table would lead to congestion on Titirangi road and will cause confusion about who has right of way and when it is safe to merge from Parker Road onto Titirangi Road. The purpose of the proposed speed table is to reduce the speed of approaching drivers to improve road safety at the Parker Avenue intersection. We have done traffic modelling and are not expecting a significant increase in congestion as a result of the new design. For traffic turning from Parker Road onto Titirangi Road, there is a ‘Give Way’ sign and ‘No Right Turn’ sign included in the design.
- Concern that the Keep Clear zone will not be respected during rush hour, making it very hard to get out of Parker Avenue. We have added these markings to the design to make it easier to exit Parker Avenue. Should these markings not be respected, please notify Auckland Transport or NZ Police for further monitoring and enforcement.
- Concern about the proposal leading to increased traffic on Fruitvale Road, where the entrance to the Fruitvale School is located. Our traffic modelling does not indicate a significant increase of traffic on Fruitvale Road as a result of these changes.
- Question about need for a signalised intersection is still needed once this turn is banned, as this is perceived to be the most dangerous movement at this intersection. Our investigation indicated a clear crash trend between the turning vehicles and oncoming traffic at the Croydon Road intersection. The right turn ban at Parker Avenue would not prevent these crashes. Traffic signals were deemed the best way to control the movement of traffic at Croydon Road, and prevent further accidents from happening.
- Request to rearrange bus stops to 120 and 131 Titirangi Road. New developments in the area have increased the demand for Public Transport, and this would make it easier to access those bus stops. We have passed this on to the teams within AT who focus on public transport and bus services.
- Request to address issues with illegal and dangerous turning manoeuvres on Titirangi Road. We encourage you to contact us with more information about times and locations this behaviour is frequently seen. This will enable us to conduct a targeted investigation.
- Requests to extend Broken Yellow Lines further down the road from 141 to 127 Titirangi Road. Parked cars are causing issues at this location. The existing extent of Broken Yellow Lines is considered sufficient for the safe operation of the improved intersection. Further Broken Yellow Lines are not required to make the intersection safer.