Auckland Transport proposes Manurewa safety changes
Auckland Transport (AT) is proposing changes to make Manurewa safer and reduce the risk of crashes in the area.
The proposed speed-calming measures, which would include speed humps and zebra crossings, would help to make the area safer for all.
The area is home to schools, shops, parks and community centres and has been prioritised based on concerns from residents.
Data shows there has been 131 crashes in the area in the last five years and the three highest speeds recorded in the area were in excess of 121km/h on Rimu Road, McDivitt Street and Coxhead Road.
This approximately $4 million project, if it goes ahead, would be the second area-wide speed calming project in Manurewa - following the $4 million project in 2020.
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff encourages residents to have their say on the proposed changes.
“Speed is major factor in both the likelihood of crashes occurring and the severity of their outcomes, so it’s important to reduce excessive speeds where necessary to help reduce deaths and injuries on our roads,” he says.
Joseph Allan, Chairperson of the Manurewa Local Board, says the proposed improvements will reduce the risk of deaths and serious injuries, making the streets safer for people to walk and cycle.
“These improvements will provide a safer environment for the neighbourhoods within the project area, especially for tamariki around schools,” Mr Allan says.
If it goes ahead, the proposed project would be partly funded by the Regional Fuel Tax and happen towards the end of 2021.
Randhir Karma, AT’s Group Manager of Network Management, says the proposed changes aim to reduce vehicle speeds by installing a combination of speed-calming measures such as speed humps, raised tables, and zebra crossings where justified.
“The improvements are proposed for the area contained by Weymouth Road, Mahia Road and Great South Road. The improvements would require the removal of eight to ten car parks where zebra crossings and raised tables are proposed, as well as the moving of some bus stops, and at some intersections for safety and visibility reasons.”
To talk to the project team in person, attend a drop-in session:
- Wednesday 17 February from 3pm till 6pm at Leabank Primary School;
- Saturday 27 February from 11am till 2pm at Manurewa Pool and Leisure Centre.
Feedback is open until March 8 2021.
Find out more about this proposal and have your say.