Auckland Transport taking all feedback on the draft RLTP into account
Auckland Transport (AT) is currently taking account of the 5817 public submissions received on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan for 2021 - 2031.
The draft RLTP is the 10-year investment plan for Auckland’s transport network. It details the areas that Auckland Transport, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and KiwiRail will focus on to respond to our region’s transport challenges.
While individual feedback is currently being analysed, some key themes are:
- There was support from at least two thirds of submitters for each of the focus areas in the RLTP that we proposed allocating funding towards.
- A majority of people feel each of the policy changes (to help improve the safety of our roads, reduce congestion and tackle climate change) AT put forward were very important or moderately important to deliver an effective and efficient transport system.
- A majority of submitters indicated that the biggest transport challenges facing Auckland have been identified in the draft plan.
“We know Aucklanders care about their region, its future growth and its development. We’re seeing this through the feedback, with thousands of submissions and lots of early support on key issues - such as more investment into public transport.
“It’s fantastic to see a wide range of responses come through, which demonstrates that we’re focusing on issues Aucklanders care about.”
Over the next 10 years, $36 billion is planned to be spent on services and new infrastructure across Auckland’s transport network.
In the coming weeks, the Regional Transport Committee (RTC) and Auckland Council’s Planning Committee will further consider the public feedback received and any required revisions to the RLTP as a result of public feedback.
At the end of June, the AT Board will consider the RTC’s recommendations and decide on the final RLTP to be adopted for Auckland.