The Auckland Transport Strategic Planning Architecture The Auckland Transport Strategic Planning Architecture
The diagram shows how Auckland Transport's various transport plans and strategies, together with partner-led strategic plans and programmes, fit together to ensure strategy and outcomes are aligned.
At the top of this architecture is the Auckland Plan 2050, written by Auckland Council, and the multi-agency Auckland Transport Alignment Project (ATAP). Together these form the core top-level strategic direction for Auckland Transport.
These documents feed into Future Connect - our integrated network plan. Sitting under Future Connect are sub-strategies, which are mode, topic or location specific, these include the:
- Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP)
- Auckland Freight Plan
- On-demand and shared mobility roadmap
- Asset Management Plan
- Waiheke Transport Plan
- City Centre Bus Strategy
- Parking Strategy
- Vision Zero.
Future Connect links with the Roads and Streets Framework (RASF) and the Network Operating Plan in shaping the business case, design and delivery process for our projects.
Future Connect also feeds into the Regional Land Transport Plan (the RLTP), which is our 10 year investment plan. The RLTP iterates with the Auckland Long Term Plan, set by Auckland Council, and the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport (GPS). The RLTP also informs both the National Land Transport Programme, as well as Auckland Transport’s business case, design and delivery process.