Ferry services Ferry services

Auckland Transport (AT) ferries can take you all across the city. Our 13 routes serve communities from Hobsonville Point to Rakino Island.


Map & timetables

Check out our route map showing all 13 routes operated by Auckland Transport, plus printable copies of the timetables.

Ticket information

AT HOP can be used on all AT ferry services except to Rakino. Cash tickets can be purchased from the Downtown ferry terminal and onboard most vessels. More details here.

Fares & discounts

Check out cash and AT HOP fares for each ferry route, and how to apply for concessions.

Using ferries

Find out a bit more about how we operate, the facilities on board and at the terminals, and travel tips.

Bus connections

Many ferry services have convenient connecting bus services to and from the ferry terminal.


Ferry operators

See ferry operator contact details for lost property, alert services, and tourist ferry services to Hauraki islands.

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Group ferry bookings

Find out how to organise a group ferry booking if you're planning to travel by ferry in a large group.

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Auckland’s future ferries

Most of our ferries will reach their end of life in the next 10 years. We’re taking this opportunity to modernise and decarbonise our fleet.