How to use the journey planner How to use the journey planner

The Journey Planner is designed to help you find public transport services to and from your destination based on scheduled timetables. 

Planning your journey

Click the map to drop a marker or enter either of the following:

  • A physical address, including street number, flat, or unit number
  • Landmark or Point of Interest
  • Use recent searches from the drop down list
  • Your four-digit stop number

Journey Planner Drop Down

We update this quarterly, from database updates and user feedback on missing/wrong location data.

Advanced options

By default, the journey planner is set to display all available results for all public transport modes (bus, train, ferry) based on fastest and most direct routes. It also defaults to 'Leaving Now' as your departure time. 

Preferred departure time and date

Select your preferred departure or arrival time using the drop down options (click 'Leaving Now' to open all available time options) and enter the time and date you want to travel. You can choose travel up to 6 weeks in advance. 

Journey Planner Preferred Departure Screen

Journey Planner Preferred Departure - Arrive Before Screen

Click on the “Travel Plan” to see full details including walking time and distance, to/from your nearest stop, estimated travel time and services. Fare information is found by clicking on “Fares”. Choose the best journey option which suits your travel needs.

Journey Planner Travel Plan

*Note that the departure time listed here is not the departure time of your bus, train or ferry service, but the estimated time you would need to begin your journey to catch your service.

Filter Transport Modes

Journey Planner Filter Transport Options

Click on 'Options' to change filters to suit your travel needs. For example: what transport mode you want displayed in your results, or maximum walking times to and from destination or between transfers, and even maximum number of transfers you are comfortable with. 

Maximum walk times

Would you like to see a bus service that leaves closer to your location rather than the frequent, faster services from the bus station? Use the drop down to shorten the walk time to 5 minutes. This lets the journey planner know that you don’t really mind if this bus takes a little longer as long as you don’t have to walk very far to get it.

Geek Fact: The walking time calculation is based on a walk speed of 4km per hour. Default walk time is 15 minutes in journey planner.

Maximum number of transfers

Don't mind changing to a train at an interchange to get to your destination faster? Or would you prefer to see if a direct service is available?
Select your preference with the 'Max Transfers'.

Search by route

Know that there are a number of different buses that service your stop, but only interested in a particular one? Try the ‘Filter by route' function

Use the ‘Reset ‘button on top left to reset from and to fields to blank, and the options to their default state.

*Note that the Journey Planner includes travel information for school buses when School bus is selected in Transport mode “Options”. Results for school buses in the Journey Planner will display "School Bus” with the route number.

Did you know

  • You can search for a location by dropping a pin on the map.
  • You can share your Journey by copying the URL.
    Journey Planner is optimised for using on a computer, it works on a mobile phone, but we recommend you use the AT Mobile app if your preferred device is a mobile phone.

Download the AT Mobile app for the iPhone on the App Store Download the AT Mobile app for Android on the Google Play store

Planned Rail Line Closures – buses replacing trains in Journey Planner.

We have added Rail Bus timetables into Journey Planner when there is a planned rail line closure – usually over weekends.  This allows alternative transport options available to plan travel using the Rail buses replacing those trains.  In addition, during the line closure period you will be able to track your Rail Bus and identify Rail Bus stops in the AT Mobile app. 

Journey Planner Rail Bus

Glossary of Rail Bus names:

  • RBO – Rail Bus Onehunga Line
  • RBE – Rail Bus Eastern Line
  • RBS – Rail Bus Southern Line
  • RBW – Rail Bus Western Line
  • RBWx – Rail Bus Western Line Express service