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Cycle share Cycle share

We are working with NZTA to investigate the feasibility of launching a cycle share in Auckland's city centre.

Feasibility study

Since August 2017, AT has been undertaking an indicative business case (IBC) to investigate the feasibility of launching a public cycle share system in Auckland.

We have now completed the IBC and it indicates that there is clear demand from customers to make short journeys by bicycle, and a scheme would make an important contribution to improving accessibility within Auckland.

Privately funded cycle share service OnzO, launched in late October. They have attracted over 13,000 active members, who have taken over 62,000 trips.

When we started looking at the feasibility of investing in a cycle share scheme, the cycle share market in Auckland was limited. The landscape has now changed, and rather than progressing with the development of a detailed business case, we have decided to pause this for now and allow the commercial sector to provide the service whilst we establish ways to support them to do so.

If the commercial sector does not deliver the outcomes that we believe need to be achieved, or if they exit the market, we will consider progressing with our own detailed business case.

We will be working closely with Auckland Council who issues the license for them to operate and monitors their compliance.

About cycle share

Cycle sharing is an innovative, sustainable, healthy public transportation option designed for short distance trips and is used in over 1000 cities throughout the world.

Cycle share systems offer:

  • Enhanced transport choice and flexibility.
  • Improved accessibility to the city centre and reduced congestion.
  • Increased investment in local industry.
  • Health benefits and cost savings.
  • A solution to the barrier of cycle ownership and storage.
  • An easy way to attract new cyclists.

The most successful cycle share cities in the world are those with high market penetration (one daily trip per 20 – 40 residences) and high infrastructure usage (four to eight daily uses per bike).

Auckland is well-suited to a cycle share system with:

  • $200 million of cycle improvements including 52km of cycleways for Auckland by 2018.
  • The number of people cycling has doubled in Auckland over the last two years.
  • Significant employment and population growth forecasted.
  • Growing travel demand in the city centre.

If we have a positive outcome from the feasibility study a cycle share scheme could be delivered in the 2018 - 2021 cycling programme and launch in the 2019/20 summer season. 

Download the Cycle share factsheet (PDF 179KB)

Read Transport Minister Simon Bridges media release 'Cycle share schemes for Auckland and Christchurch being considered'.