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Safe school travel plans Safe school travel plans

Safe School Travel Plans aim to promote active transport for school travel and improve road safety around schools.

Travelwise Kids

A Safe School Travel Plan is an action plan for road safety and active transport that is delivered in partnership with the school community, Auckland Transport, Auckland Council, NZ Police, NZTA and other organisations.

Typical components of a Safe School Travel Plan

  • Road safety education.
  • Promotional activities that encourage carpooling, walking, cycling and public transport.
  • Cyclist education.
  • Traffic calming.
  • Safer routes for pedestrians.
  • Walking School Buses (WSB).
  • Parking restrictions.

For further information please contact the Travelwise team

How Safe School Travel Plans make a difference

School travel causes major traffic jams in Auckland. Every morning close to 260,000 children travel to Auckland schools; over half these trips are made by car.

There have been 48% fewer crashes involving pedestrians around Travelwise schools, and more than $132m has been spent on safety infrastructure such as pedestrian and cycling improvements.

Find out more

Contact Auckland Transport